This place is way more motivating then Facebook!

dyerdl17 Posts: 9
edited September 26 in Introduce Yourself
Hey everyone. I recently joined. I've been on my weight loss journey for about 5 months now. My friends and I had started a private group on Facebook called Women for Welness but then it seemed as though we all got lost in our lives. Then I stumbled upon this site and was reintroduced by a friend. Since then I have gotten over my plateau and have lost an additional 13 pounds. Anyway, looking for people to keep me motivated and motivate! Feel free to say a quick hello and add me if you like!


  • Denise, I totally agree that this site is more motivating than our group on Facebook!!!
  • GettnMySexyBack
    GettnMySexyBack Posts: 3 Member
    This site is friendly and user-friendly! I find myself logging in here more than I do FB.
  • dyerdl17
    dyerdl17 Posts: 9
    This site is friendly and user-friendly! I find myself logging in here more than I do FB.

    Haha yeah me too!
  • MrGoodThings
    MrGoodThings Posts: 8 Member
    Just joined earlier today. Interesting comment about Facebook. I've found that to be so. Lot's of interaction and encouragement. Greetings!
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