LOOOOONG way to go!

MMieure Posts: 48
edited September 26 in Motivation and Support
I am at the beginning of my weight loss journey. I am trying to stay positive and not look at the big picture but smaller pictures but today I am starting to feel like "What is the point? You will never make it." I have 97 lbs to lose.

When a thin person loses 10 lbs it is a whole size. I have lost 8 lbs and it is such a tiny drop in the bucket that it feels like I took a cup of water out of the ocean.

I am feeling better though and that is what I should focus on. Yesterday my hubby and I walked 2 miles. One of those miles was up a very steep hill. My calves didn't freeze up and I didn't feel like I was going to die. I actually felt very strong and good when I got home. I just need to focus on that and not the numbers... (blah!)


  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    Just set mini goals and keep those in focus at all times. Commit and you will succeed.

    Welcome and good luck to you on your Journey :)
  • I know how you feel... I want to lose 110 lbs and ive lost 2 lbs but have so much more to lose... It can be discouraging but it is doable... So good luck!!! And I wish you the best!! Keep your chin up!!
  • bhb301
    bhb301 Posts: 338 Member
    Just rememeber everyday you are getting closer to your goal and healthier............
  • DanOhh
    DanOhh Posts: 1,806 Member
    Weight loss is a marathon not a sprint. Winning is not being the first to cross the line but the ability to reach that line. Keep it up you'll get there. Push past that blah moment.
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    I know how you feel too and feel free to add me as a friend if you wish too ! I have lost 30 pounds so far and have another 70 to go !
  • DEE4560
    DEE4560 Posts: 139
    Remember that a pound lost is not a pound gained : ) You will get there one day at a time.
  • robot_khamscott
    robot_khamscott Posts: 7 Member
    in the the same boat. well definatly get there though!!!!!!! :bigsmile:
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    I'm relatively down there and 10lbs still doesnt equal a size for me!

    Just try to focus on each day- making your calories, making your workouts count. The weight and sizes will do its own thing. Set a date on the calendar and promise yourself you'll look and see how you are doing then and decide if it's 'worth it'.

    You can do this. The only thing standing between you and that goal is that voice. Don't let it stop you!
  • wwagw72
    wwagw72 Posts: 45
    It's the little goals that help you succeed. YOur past 5 and only 2lbs from 10 yay for you!!!
  • PhatmanVA
    PhatmanVA Posts: 6 Member
    Interestingly enough, we each want to lose 105lbs...that is a whole female gymnast, right? I get it...the journey is long and filled with ups and downs...and I know we can do this.

    Look at how well you are doing: a two mile walk with a supportive hubby AND you have lost 8lbs. AWESOME! This time next month it CAN BE 16lbs...the month after it CAN BE 24lbs and in ONLY three (3) months you are almost 25% of the way to your goal weight and a heck of a lot closer to living a day-to-day healthier lifestyle.

    You are right when you say focus on the journey and not the destination and you are also right when you suggest it may be easier said than done. For me, I'm not losing weight, I am making FUNDAMENTAL changes in my core being...addressing who I "REALLY" am and what I really want out of my life. It's not a diet...it's a way of life. I now know I "...don't have to eat..." when I am out of sorts. The feelings will pass and things will get better. It's all a choice.

    Hang in there...together we can do it...yeah...we got this!
  • deema79
    deema79 Posts: 108
    Welcome! DO NOT LISTEN to those negative words. You are taking the right steps to become a healthier YOU. It may seem like a really long way to go, but you can do it! This is a change for the rest of your life. You will find so much support and motivation here. Log all of your food and take walks. Be honest with yourself...if you ate it and shouldnt of OH WELL you will make a better choice that evening or next day. Dont beat yourself up, we are all human.

    Im close to my goal (its hard even here). If you need more motivation feel free to add me!

    Nothing but success to you on this journey!!!
  • KTCali
    KTCali Posts: 83 Member
    When I started I had ALOT to lose too, probably 130lbs which sounds like impossible (well it does to me at least :). What I do is take it 10lbs at a time. I look at it like this, They say you increase your life span by dropping 10lbs so I think every 10 I lose is years longer I will have to live. That alone is worth it.

    I have already lost 55lbs since October and I can tell you if I would have looked at the whole 50 lbs as 50 lbs I would have stopped because it does feel like too much. Just keep in mind it took you a long time to gain all the weight, it's going to come off ALOT faster than you acquired it. :happy:

    Other than taking it 10 lbs at a time I use the support of my friends and family... it can really push you through, so share your journey with them and if they are not supportive, MFP has so much to offer just try and make friends and they will keep you on track! I hope that helped...XOXO
  • 36jessica
    36jessica Posts: 319 Member

    I am feeling better though and that is what I should focus on. Yesterday my hubby and I walked 2 miles. One of those miles was up a very steep hill. My calves didn't freeze up and I didn't feel like I was going to die. I actually felt very strong and good when I got home. I just need to focus on that and not the numbers... (blah!)

    Focus on the last part of your post. You're doing great! No, your claves didn't freeze, you didn't feel like you were going to die, you felt strong and good. That's is definitely progress and it's ONLY the beginning! Well done!:flowerforyou:
  • You have a great attitude, you will succeed! Having a long way to go is just like going on a long car ride, you will have to make a few stops on the way to refuel, but you WILL get there :) Set small goals for yourself, maybe 5 # at a time so you have these little win/celebrations to look forward to often, instead of having to wait for the end of your journey to celebrate! Feeling good along is everything! You will see so many changes in your health, strength, self-esteem, personality as you lose and buy smaller sized clothing! I am down from a 20 to a 12 now with sooooo many positive changes in my life over every spectrum! Personally, I celebrate every single pound :flowerforyou: I wish you all the best in your weight loss endeavor!
  • Kristy085
    Kristy085 Posts: 65 Member
    I feel the same way! I set mini goals throughout the day for myself to keep me positive which helps keep me focused! You can do it...it's a lifestyle change!! Good luck!
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