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Hello All, I'm glad to see so many people on the same journey as me. I've been dealing with my weight for over 14 years. I can't blame the weight gain on my children, as I lost all of my pregnancy weight. It was all me - emotionally eating, not focusing on what I put in my mouth, and not being as active as I once was. I just joined the site; however, I started on 4/1/11. My starting weight was 216.4, and now I'm 213.4 (as of 4/9). My weight loss plan is; eating every 2 - 3 hours, eating smaller portions, and working out six times per week. I use the following exercise programs; Zumba, P90, TurboJam. I use a combination of the eating programs from P90 and Michael Thurmond's Six Week Body Makeover.

I realized that it is okay to do things just for me. I was so consumed with being a wife and mother, that I lost site of me. That is now changed! I look forward to more success for me and all of you.


  • 36jessica
    36jessica Posts: 319 Member
    Hi and welcome! It's definitely ok to do something for yourself. I'm a 'consumed wife and mother' myself, but I realized that I can't give 100% to the people I love if I can't find myself. So, I've decided to do something that's just for me: take care of myself! And I'm having a blast:happy:. Good luck to you!