need some support

becky9188 Posts: 8 Member
edited September 26 in Introduce Yourself
Ive been a member on here for a few years inactively. I dont have THAT much of a support group at home and thought id put myself out there here.

It seems like everytime I set out to get serious about losing weight i dont know where to start or something comes up. just had surgery last month and hoping im on my way to being healthy.

sooooo what has worked for everyone?


  • troysmum
    troysmum Posts: 6 Member
    Hi Becky
    I have struggled for a while but feeling quite focused at the minute.
    I have two wedding in May to go to and a holiday in June!

    I have strated Diet Chef which is a diet where prepared meals are sent to you in the UK, I'm sure there is a US equivalent.

    Its basically 800 calories of food in a breakfast, lunch, dinner and a snack, you then add your veg, salad, milk etc to the food to bring it upto 1200 cals.

    I will be weighing in on friday, so hopefully be a loss.

    Good luck.

  • I've never in my life gave a flip about my weight. My best friend went into the Navy last December and all his talk about workign out and how good it feels made me start walking in the evenings after leaving my stressful job (teacher in a state-run, poverty-stricken high school). After a few weeks of walking, I started jogging a little bit along the way, but going back to walking if I got out of breath. I started to help me keep track of what I was doing and started watching what I eat (made me sick to see the calories in some of my favorite foods). Nowadays, when I've had a particularly stressful day, I run, jog, walk, or whatever until the endorphins drown out the craziness. It makes me feel good about myself, drains the stress, and it's helping me lose weight. Good luck to you. I'm more than happy to be a support!
  • vetsnatural
    vetsnatural Posts: 186 Member
    Hi, I've been a member since sometime in 2010 I think and I havent stayed on here or my routine much until over a week ago. I am an outside walker so I was kind of waiting until the weather got a bit warmer due to 3 cases of pneumonia in the past 2 years. I started walking and watching what I eat and I am feeling very motivated. I loss 3 pounds in a week and I know that I can accomplish my goal at least in a month if I stick to my walking and nutrition regimen. I have full access to workout facilities and all but I prefer to walk before coming in to work then doing whatever else in addition, after work and eating a good diet in between.
    We are here to help motivate and feel free to stop in anytime. I always say if you make a strong commitment to 2 weeks or working out and eating right and you see results (which you should), then that will motivate you. But you have to give a full effort for 2 weeks. Welcome back and we all need continued support
  • LisaPInky
    LisaPInky Posts: 3 Member
    I hope you are still active on here... I too will be your fitness buddy.

    Gosh I have been a yoyo for so many years now... I am ready to finally commit!
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