meeting the caloric goals set by mfp



  • gottabekd
    gottabekd Posts: 46 Member
    I'm intrigued by metabolic typing, but from what I've read, it seems the medical community is highly skeptical of its efficacy. What convinced you to use it?
    Simple I ate what the docs told me to for shedding fat back a few years ago, instead I felt like crap, lost some muscle and did not stick with it after 4 months, my weight went down but bodyfat went up. So I scraped their plan and started back on what made me feel good. I have since gained muscle back, shed bodyfat and felt better than ever. I talked to my dietitian friend and she said its simple really depending on your cultural background some ppl react differently to some foods. For me my body reacts best on a higher protein diet for how I feel which is in line with my cultural background. Some do better on more carbs, but I for one do not. This is what made me a believer.

    The medical community is decades behind in terms of what is healthy for you and what is not as none of them want to think outside the box for fear of being ostracized by the medical society. For years they told us that eggs were bad for you, and now they are good. For years they pushed a low fat diet and we got fatter on that. So I say yes the medical community has its place but not in my business as I know what my body feels best on.

    Makes sense. You're right that often the medical community is afraid of speaking outside of the box, it seems quite common among a lot of sciences, unfortunately.
    Anyways, I did the quick test you posted and the foods that it came up with for my metabolic type actually coincide with the foods I feel best eating so I'm going to look further into this. Thanks for all your suggestions.
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    Awesome post.......did you ever think about being a trainer?
    I am a dominant personality or alpha type of person lol, I am only starting to get into shape myself and I enjoy my job, trainers usually do not make what I make a year, although I would enjoy it to a point. I think that many would come to hate me until they saw the results lol.