No weight loss in a month!!!

Uh-oh! I haven't lost anything in about a month. I was 157 and I have gotten down to 140 but my goal is 130 by June. Any suggestions on what to do once I've hit a plateau? I havent changed my diet or exercise since I started losing weight. Help!


  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    try drinking more water,also try jiggling around your exersice routines every 3 odd weeks,,
    and dont go too low on the cals eitherxx
  • Angel1029
    Angel1029 Posts: 459
    It's probably time to change things up a bit. Up the intensity on your workouts or do something different all together to shock your body again. Do that for a free weeks and see how it goes.
    Good luck!
  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    make sure you are eating enough calories and are drinking water. Changing your goals to lose 1 lb/week is best when you get close to your goal weight
  • sunshine79
    sunshine79 Posts: 758 Member
    Welcome to my world!!! Stuck at 148 for about 2 months now. I've been advised to work out a little less ( I was doing 6 days per week), do lots more strength training, and up my calories. I've been doing it for almost 3 wks now and will weigh tomorrow. Apparently it really works..... we'll see.

    P.s - my personal trainer also told me to cut processed sugar, increase protein to over 100g per day and keep carbs (complex ones only) to less that 100g - but I'm finding it super hard
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    jessie, dont give up. In one year,it happened about 3 times, Id plateau, if thats what its called, but I d stop losing weight. Then I d kinda stop weighing myself ,Id get too stressed at the scale

    what helped me, I d put the tighest pair of pants I could barely slip into from my closet, and use them for recording weight loss.......sometimes, inches are better than pounds......

    I lost 18 inches in my waist, yet the scale , many times didnt reflect my progress . Dont depend on the scale to reflect your effort. I didnt.
    Im in a plateua now, I want to finish off the last 20 lbs and I am struggeling, but again, I look at what I have done for the last year, so its not as hard as it was in the beginning.........Try the tight fitting clothes example, you ll see what Im talking about........Best wishes.....Lloyd
  • lucybp
    lucybp Posts: 193
    Definitely spice it up a bit with the exercise routine. Crosstraining is very important to avoid/decrease the plateu phase. Congrats on maintaining. Great job!
  • Nomomush
    Nomomush Posts: 582 Member
    Change up your exercise routine. Your body has gotten used to your current routine. Try super sets if you weight train and intervals for your cardio.
  • MoM2LayLa09
    MoM2LayLa09 Posts: 152
    I am in the same boat. Started at 158 in January and I am down to 149.

    I haven't lost any thing in 2 weeks so I started doing strength training. I did a lot of research online and its just as important to lift some weights a couple times a week.. I burns everything faster. So I actually just started today, 30 minutes going to skip a few days and do another 30min ( twice a week )
    I also am testing out the waters this week with eating most of my exercise calories back.
  • lucybp
    lucybp Posts: 193
    Welcome to my world!!! Stuck at 148 for about 2 months now. I've been advised to work out a little less ( I was doing 6 days per week), do lots more strength training, and up my calories. I've been doing it for almost 3 wks now and will weight tomorrow. Apparently it really works..... we'll see.

    P.s - my personal trainer also tole me to cut processed sugar, increase protein to over 100g per day and keep carbs (complex ones only) to less that 100g - but I'm finding it super hard

    I struggle with my carbs, but how on earth do you keep your carb intake to less than 100? Specially when working out so much. One cannot eat salads all day long.
    Just curious because it's one of my weaknesses. I was advised to keep it under 220 g on my exercise days - and a little lower on non exercise days. Thanks for bringing it up.
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    The body can and will adapt t most anything you do to it. So in your case it may be as simple as eating back exercise cals if you do not do so or changing your workout routine. I have helped a lot of friends on here break through a plateau and the diary is always the first place to start.
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    I struggle with my carbs, but how on earth do you keep your carb intake to less than 100? Specially when working out so much. One cannot eat salads all day long.
    Just curious because it's one of my weaknesses. I was advised to keep it under 220 g on my exercise days - and a little lower on non exercise days. Thanks for bringing it up.
    Feel free to check out my diary, its open to the public, but it depends on what you are naturally geared to, I tend to be a meat lover, some are carb lovers, its finding what works for you and what your body works best off of.
  • Requisite
    Uh-oh! I haven't lost anything in about a month. I was 157 and I have gotten down to 140 but my goal is 130 by June. Any suggestions on what to do once I've hit a plateau? I havent changed my diet or exercise since I started losing weight. Help!

    When I hit a plateau, I lower my daily caloric intake or exercise more (generally, add longer intervals to my cardio). When you lose weight, your body won't need as many calories as it previously needed when you weighed more.

    Have you tried interval training before (HIIT)? It's a great plateau buster! You can read more about it & how you can do it on a treadmill here:

    Hope this helps
  • sunshine79
    sunshine79 Posts: 758 Member
    Welcome to my world!!! Stuck at 148 for about 2 months now. I've been advised to work out a little less ( I was doing 6 days per week), do lots more strength training, and up my calories. I've been doing it for almost 3 wks now and will weigh tomorrow. Apparently it really works..... we'll see.

    P.s - my personal trainer also told me to cut processed sugar, increase protein to over 100g per day and keep carbs (complex ones only) to less that 100g - but I'm finding it super hard

    I struggle with my carbs, but how on earth do you keep your carb intake to less than 100? Specially when working out so much.

    One cannot eat salads all day long.
    Just curious because it's one of my weaknesses. I was advised to keep it under 220 g on my exercise days - and a little lower on non exercise days. Thanks for bringing it up.

    It's damn hard I tell you. I try to have complex carbs at breakfast only (a wholewheat multi-seeded bagel with Turkey) and then protein and salad for lunch and protein and veggies for dinner. I do also have ryvita (more carbs) & tuna with my mid morning snack. It is very hard and I'm not totally there yet but it is possible as I did it last year when I lost all my weight (before gaining it due to thyroid issue)

    Take small steps, that's what I'm doing. Try eliminating carbs from one meal at a time or lowering the amount of carbs at each meal.
  • fanceegirl75
    fanceegirl75 Posts: 620 Member
    I know exactly how you're feeling. I've dropped 17 pds and the last month nothing. I do believe I have hit a plateau. So over the weekend I "overindulged" and this week I changed my MFP settings and upped my cals a bit. Also changing up what I do at the gym and what I'm eating for the next couple of weeks.