need some major advice evryone

Im 23 and after 3 kids i have gone from size 8-10 and weighing 8-9stone to size 14 and weighing nerarly 12 stone.Im overweight and doctor says i need to lose it, which is ok as i want to lose a dress size before August if possible.My only problem is my youngest is 6 months old and i have no time or money for gym and my only exercise is walking around shopping or window shopping with buggy lol.

I need major help on losing this weight as i eat constantly and always hungry, i want to try and limit meat and dairy as much as possible so after breakfast, lunch and dinner ideas. how much (portion wise)

Any ideas of any kind is greatly appriciated, thankyou


  • amw8675309
    amw8675309 Posts: 95 Member
    the best thing to do if you're constantly hungry is to focus on whole foods. lots of fruits and veggies will keep you a lot more full than processed foods. also make sure you are drinking enough water, a lot of times when you think you're hungry you may actually just be thirsty.
  • ebkins7
    ebkins7 Posts: 427 Member
    There ar TONS of exercises you can do WITH your baby!!! It's called like mommy and me fitness or something like that... Check out BABYCENTER.COM they have tons of stuff on exercising with baby! Seriously it's like a whole movement of exercising!!!

    Good luck!
  • SheilaSisco
    SheilaSisco Posts: 722 Member
    Great advice! Plus, there are a LOT of super-short exercise videos out there that can fit into almost anyone's schedule. I'm doing the 30 Day Shred. Each workout is less than 30 minutes (like 20-25). Granted, my baby is 2 1/2, so I do it while he's eating his breakfast, but if your baby naps during the day, there's your time. You just got to make a commitment to YOURSELF that you want and need to be healthy for YOU and figure out how to make that happen. Like the saying goes, Where there's a will, there's a WAY. :)
  • precious71701
    Welcome to the site and good luck on your journey...I eat mostly anything I want but with smaller portions to stay at my 1200 daily calorie mark...Sometimes I eat back my exercise calories...some days are harder than others but if I fall off the wagon, I make up for it in the next two day by exercising more...Im drinking more water than I have since I was a child....Try to eat more fruit and vegetables...Find some things you can snack on that are low calorie like brocolli, carrots, celery, strawberries, etc...Try to invest in a exercise can do a work out while the baby is napping...there are some good ones out there, p90x, thirty day shred, etc...These will get your heart pumping...If you hardly have any money, try buying a jump rope, they are not that expensive and turn on some of your favorite musice and make up your own dance routine, look for some exercise shows on t.v and exercise along with them...Just eating smaller serving, exercising, and drinking more water will do more good to your body than you think...I hope this helps....Hang in there...
  • Pangea250
    Pangea250 Posts: 965 Member
    I ate all the time. No, I *over*ate all the time. I didn't think there was a way to diet, since I was always too hungry. What I have learned in the past 3 weeks about myself is that, first, it's okay to be hungry sometimes. I decided that I'm worth it, and, therefore, being hungry isn't the end of the world.

    That being said, I don't like to get famished. But there is a definite difference between that "yep, I'm hungry" and the "OH MY GOD I'M GOING TO EAT MY FIRSTBORN." I try to avoid the eating-the-firstborn thing, he's 15 now and wouldn't appreciate losing a limb because of my dieting.

    Second, I have learned that carefully portioning out my food and being *acutely* aware of calories has helped tremendously. I used to put down an entire box or bag of whatever snack food in 1 sitting. It's a *lot* harder to do that when I look at the label, see what a serving size is, and calculate what that whole container amounts to. That's where the deciding-that-I'm-worth-it comes into play again. I used to eat these little brownie bites that I now know are 140 calories *each*! I used to put away 10 or 20 in a sitting! But now I don't even want one. I look at one and just imagine how I can put those 140 calories to much better use with a better food choice.

    Become educated. Knowledge is key. I'm still learning. I can see there is a huge learning curve here, but a little knowledge will start you along and make you want to know more. But first, you are going to have to decide that you are worth the effort.

    Good luck to you...add me as a friend if you like.
  • Dnsnyder
    Dnsnyder Posts: 263 Member
    If you feel hungry quite often, it may be better to eat smaller meals for breakfast, lunch, and dinner so that you can include snacks between meals. Eating fresh fruits and vegetables, such as apples, bananas, broccoli flowerettes, carrot sticks, as snacks and with meals may help you feel full for longer. Try to stick to whole grains when you eat bread, pasta, etc., as they are usually a good source of fiber. And definitely drink plenty of water.

    Also, I find that salad is very filling. I like romaine, boston, and bibb lettuces, baby spinach, and lots of veggies (onion, mushroom, bell peppers, banana peppers, olives, carrots, broccoli, califlower, etc.). Try to stay away from adding cheese and high fat/calorie dressings. I've really come to like Walden Farms No Calorie Dressing because I have a hard time eating salad without some kind of dressing. Also, add broiled or grilled chicken to salad (or diced ham is fine...but higher in sodium) if you want to have an entree salad instead.

    With regards to exercise, maybe you could sqeeze in 20-30 minutes of exercise at home? I love Jillian Michael's workout DVD's. They are very intesnse, but they are straight to the point and you get a great workout in a short period of time. I would reccomend 30 Day Shred (about 25 minutes total including warm up and cool down) and Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism (you can pick which circuits to do and control the length of your workout).

    Hope this helps! Good luck!