New and confused

I am so confused with all these numbers and % and such. Its overwhelming.. I preplan my food intake every morning to see where my numbers are and to make sure i get 1200 calories.. I am slightly over on protein (which im ok with)... BUT after working out this morning I need to make up a additional 253 calories today to hit my 1200 calorie intake... BUT my protein and carbs are already slightly over so what the crap do I eat to make up those additional calories.. This is so confusing.... I also plan to run on the treadmill tonight for a additonal 2 miles whcih is gonna be MORE calories I need to make up.. Suggestions?


  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,108 Member
    Don't obsess too much on the macronutrients. Being over on Protein is almost guaranteed if you are using the default settings in your diary.

    Try to aim for plenty of fiber with the Carbohydrates. Not all carbs are bad things. Fruit, Vegetables and Whole Grains have carbs. Keep aiming for getting your carbs this way.

    Yes eat the exercise calories. Here are some threads to read. (There are also sticky posts at the top of the forums)
  • MommyLumpkin
    You should definately replace some of those calories you burn but don't get too stressed out about it. I've found that if I still have a couple hundred left over, as long as my total intake is 1200+ before exercise calories, I feel good. It takes alot for your body to go into starvation mode. Fruits and veggies are also a great way to make up calories without adding to your fats, which is what you really want to watch. Don't let yourself get caught up in the details. It will drive you mad! lol If you feel full at the end of the day, you did great. Also, don't forget to add more protein before or after you exercise. Your muscles really need those. I read a study that says people who have low fat dairy products lose 30-40% more than people who don't consume any. Keep that in mind. I hope this helps a little. I've only been doing this 8 weeks so I'm not like a guru or anything. I've just found alot of things that work for me. :D
  • bethrs
    bethrs Posts: 664 Member
    Maybe you are like me and are constantly under your fat intake? I rarely eat enough *healthy* fats. I have to be conscious of it so I can balance it out. Your body does need healthy fats like nuts, avocados, dairy sources etc.
  • anacsitham5
    anacsitham5 Posts: 814 Member
    When you plan your meals and you know you will be exercising try to make sure you plan accordingly. Some foods you will need to eat less of because they are higher in carbs, sugar, sodium, etc... I avoid bread for sandwiches and eat wraps instead. They are lower in carbs and calories then two slices of bread. If you eat yogurt, go with fiber one (lime is the best!!!) they are the lowest in sugars. I don't worry about anything being over unless its carbs (because they go right to my waistline), fat and sugars. I have extremely low blood pressure so I don't worry about my sodium being on the high end but I still try not to go overboard. Good luck. You will find a plan that works for you, but don't give up. This is the best way to track what you eat. I was amazed on how badly I ate before I started using MFP.