Snacking when sad

I'm sad.

I've been hoping and praying to hear back about two jobs that I applied for last month, and I've heard nothing. The second round of interviews for one of the jobs is supposed to be next week and I had been told to look for something in the mail.

I'm starting to think that for the 3rd year since graduating college, I will be unemployed.

And so, since I'm sad... I'm snacking. I've had a Skinny Cow Vanilla Ice Cream, a 100 Calorie Right Bites Brownie thing, and a Weight Watchers mint patty.

Of course, I rollerbladed 45 minutes too... but still. What should I do?


Down on her luck.


  • BamBam1113
    BamBam1113 Posts: 542 Member
    I try and take my emotions out on my exercise. I got this big taking it out on food.
  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    any time you have food in your hand about to go to your mouth do these 2 things:

    1. rate you hunger on a scale 1-10 (1 just ate full, 10 STARVING haven't eaten in days)
    2. think of 5 reasons you want to be healthy

    If you cannot think of 5 reasons and your rating is above a 5, you may eat. Otherwise find another outlet for your emotions. I used to be an emotional eater now I blog to get rid of my emotions. It works for me.

    Best of luck to you

    p.s. i completely understand the college unemployed stress...i've been there. Do your best to get your resume out and than let the employers find you. Follow up after interviews and you'll get something eventually. This economy sucks but people are starting to hire again. Hang in there! *hugs*
  • Helice
    Helice Posts: 1,075 Member
    I know the feeling, since i left school i was never able to get a job.
    But then i manadged to get an office job from a friend of the family.
    And about a month later i was made redundent.
    And i havent yet been able to get a job, no one calls me back after i hand in a cv..
    Even jobs where there desperate to hire someone straight away and that no one else has applied for.
    There was a job like that, that is still needing a receptionist now, and its been 3 months.

    And it always gets to me that maybe they dont want me to work at the front because of my size.
    But as the due date for a response passes i do get very upset,
    and i normally go out for a fatty meal.

    The only advice i can give is try to put some space between you and your kitchen.
    Maybe take a walk, try and clear your head.

    And good luck on finding a job.