Need to shed 10lbs! Help!

tarachristine05 Posts: 8
edited September 26 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi! I am new to MFP and have been keeping track of my calories (1300) daily and work out at least 6x per week and have lost inches, but can't seem to lose the weight. Is there any advice anyone may have?


  • coxy1968
    coxy1968 Posts: 77
    Hi, I am fairly new myself but from what i have found on here is to drink at least 8 glasses of water per day and maybe increase your calorie intake slightly as the last few lbs are the hardest.

    My sister in law has lost 41 lbs with MFP and is struggling with her last 10lbs and since she increased her calories slightly she has started to lose her 10lbs..hope this helps.
  • skitchlu
    skitchlu Posts: 56 Member
    Eat more! If you're working out 6x per week and only eating 1300 calories, you might not be giving your body enough. Maybe try increasing your calories to 1500 for two weeks and see if that helps. Also, lots of water and potassium supplements might be helpful. Good luck!
  • kamechaf
    kamechaf Posts: 87 Member
  • faerybun
    faerybun Posts: 65
    If you're losing inches you're definitely losing fat! All that exercise is helping you to gain muscle, which is more dense than fat. Sounds like you're doing good [:
  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
    if you are losing inches, that may mean you are losing fat and gaining muscle..muscle takes up less space, hence inches gone, but they say it weighs more ( i think )
  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    Honestly, if you're losing inches then I wouldn't worry about the pounds right now.

    The scale doesn't give you the entire story of what's going on. Inches are definitely a better way to track your progress.

    I'd rather have the number on the scale be a little higher but my body be smaller than have the number on the scale be lower but my body either be the same or larger.
  • bayles1
    bayles1 Posts: 408 Member

    Glad to hear that you are noticing a difference even if it isnt on the scale for now.You should open up your food diary so that folks can see what your eating to enable accurate advise to be given.
    I can only suggest that you ensure that drinking plenty of water,which I feel has made the difference with me.

    Good Luck in reaching your targets.
  • Nomomush
    Nomomush Posts: 582 Member
    Take a look at your journals and track thew intensity level of your workouts. Someone who walks 6 days a week at a leisure pace will burn less calories than someone who is doing interval workouts in 30 minutes. You will find that once you start tracking your food and exercise, you will "see" where you can improve to reach your goals. Good luck
  • sing1998
    sing1998 Posts: 38 Member
    sounds like you've already received good feedback. maybe stop weighing and just measure once a week? the scale can really fluctuate from day to day and you'll get discouraged when it doesn't drop. also, if you're really not losing, could you be inaccurate on your calories or activity level?
  • jeslesma
    jeslesma Posts: 5
    working out so much will change your fat to muscle, which weighs more then fat, there you go! You may go down in size and weigh the same.
  • dogluvr73
    dogluvr73 Posts: 17
    If you are losing inches that is great, I used to always make sure I lost inches before I checked the scales.

    Also I was unaware of the potassiam supplements with help with weight loss.
  • Thanks everyone! Supposedly my trainer has said that sitting still all day with limited activity I burn 1300 calories therefore if I consume 1300 and work out and burn 500 I should be all set. You think eating more would help? or maybe I should cut back on the workouts. I do high intense workouts (ie. kickboxing, spinning, step).
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