Does any1 find that some people are quite insultive towards

hey guys, just wondered since ur weightloss has any1 been insultive towards u? I was told i have lost my boobs and i look flat as a pancake!:(


  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    how rude! I hope you told them where to stick it! Likely they were just jealous:ohwell:
  • schnarfo
    schnarfo Posts: 764 Member
    haha yup! this has also happened to me.

    or people constantly grabbing my wrists and saying how thin i am or how i need to eat more!

    bah mind your business rude people - imagine if they poked a fat person... oh wow your so fat..... or you need to eat less! there would be out rage, why is it ok to do it to a skinny person
  • kdouglas11
    kdouglas11 Posts: 185 Member
    well, I have 30 lbs to go, so I'm not a pancake, LOL. But I do get the 'You are skinny or shrinking' or when I go to dinner with my friends I get 'is that all you're going to eat?' as if it's a BAD thing.

  • Zombriana
    Zombriana Posts: 764 Member
    A long time ago, when I lost weight out of highschool, I got a lot of backhanded compliments from co-workers.
    Such as, "You used to be so fat, I thought you were pregnant, but you look hot now."

    What the eff??
  • mrscates
    mrscates Posts: 559 Member
    I'm actually writing about this. Its mainly me venting, but maybe it will help those who are either jealous, overweight, etc...learn that just because you are 'skinny' doesn't mean they can be rude. We don't say 'hey fatass, get off the couch and do something your getting more rolls'...NOPE. We just smile and walk off. Wonder what would happen if we dished it right back in their direction?
  • jeninne
    jeninne Posts: 412 Member
    Hahahaha- not had that problem yet. maybe one day, then I can be outraged. The fact that someone would say that to anyone means they are extremely ignorant. As women though- sometimes we can't have both weight loss and a weighty upper- darn.
  • saphire76
    saphire76 Posts: 102
    I feel like I can't even talk about working out or counting calories besides on here because people are like oh please u don't need to loose weight! Your right I don't but you have not seen me naked and I need to be happy and tone up. What is so wrong with that?
  • SKP1986
    SKP1986 Posts: 392 Member
    Agreed. There are certain people that I can talk to openly about it and certain others that I can't. Overall, my friends and family has been supportive, but everyone has their own two cents, and I've found that it's usually the people that won't get up and do something about their own weight/health that have had the harsher things to say to me. It's like they need to lash out because they can't find the motivation to take charge. Just keep in mind that what you are doing is best for YOU and whatever anyone else thinks is their own issue. Hold onto the support and write the haters off on their jealousy for your success!
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    I have never had this problem with people.
  • kentlass
    kentlass Posts: 325 Member
    this bugs the heck out of me!

    when you're fat people are insulting, yet as soon as you drop the weight you're treated just as bad!

    i've been told i have no boobs left, am constantly being told i'm 'too skinny' and just the other day i was doing a workout(infront of my 250lb sister) and she was grossed out because she could see....bones!!!!

    i used to love getting tattoos...after i lost the fat my tattooist would ask if i was sure i wanted the tattoo done cos it'd hurt like hell on 'someone like me' and when i gained a bit more weight after having my daughter he said...'oh you've put weight on, thank god for that, you looked sickly ill...way too bloody rude!
  • seleck05
    seleck05 Posts: 74 Member
    YES! I hate this. I used to get comments and "looks" up and down from my family when I was heavier because I was getting overweight. Now I get comments like "oh better be careful you don't gain that weight back again!"
  • Angel1066
    Angel1066 Posts: 816 Member
    I feel like I can't even talk about working out or counting calories besides on here because people are like oh please u don't need to loose weight! Your right I don't but you have not seen me naked and I need to be happy and tone up. What is so wrong with that?

    I feel the same way you feel like a diet bore.
  • Rainbow_Brite86
    Yeah I was told that the other day ://
  • PrairieRoseNE
    PrairieRoseNE Posts: 265 Member
    Just last weekend a group of us gals were making a long car trip - one of the others (Carol) asked me how I was able to lose my weight?? So I told her about using MFP, counting calories and tracking sodium - and I personally believe my tracking sodium has been the best help to me. Carol & I discussed the outrageous amounts of sodium in foods and she was genuinely interested and happy for me.

    I was NOT preaching to anyone about their eating habits, just saying what was working for me, Carol did ASK in the first place!!

    So anyway, another gal (Donna) was listening to our converstation and when we stopped to eat lunch, Donna looked across the table at me and in a rude voice, said I'd ruined HER lunch because now she couldn't enjoy the foods she wanted because of the calories & sodium!!! Like what??? I never once said anything to HER about her eating habits - just talked about mine with Carol. Geesh!

    I decided that Donna was just jealous or something. Grrrrr! Some friend!!!!!!!
  • kentlass
    kentlass Posts: 325 Member
    I feel like I can't even talk about working out or counting calories besides on here because people are like oh please u don't need to loose weight! Your right I don't but you have not seen me naked and I need to be happy and tone up. What is so wrong with that?

    i'm so with you here...people just roll their eyes and look at me like i'm just after compliments on my never occurs to people that i still have issues with my body and actually really do still need to drop weight
  • shreddingit
    shreddingit Posts: 1,133 Member
    I only see my husband so he told me my butt was flat! and it was from a lot of treadmill, so I did a lot of butt toning and now its looking better!...:bigsmile:
  • scaryfairy81
    I would get this every time my husband and I would visit his family. The women in his family have a naturally larger frame than me, and are pretty top heavy(they gain and hold weight in their chests and stomachs) and would constantly say things like "Jess, you need to eat" or "You are too tiny, here, have some ice cream/cake/brownies/etc with us" was literally a daily occurence. And both sisters and his mom would do it. I'm very short and fairly petite but I'm NOT bony or skinny by anyone's definition. I'm a healthy weight for my height! Even at my lowest weight I wasn't skinny! Apparently they would talk about it to each other behind my back too, and would make comments to me and my husband about how one of us needs to learn to cook because we were both too skinny, just because we don't eat the volume of sheer CRAP that their whole family does lol. When we were all up there last May, they'd literally as a family go through 2 containers of ice cream a day, and one night a whole pan of brownies between 5 under an hour. None of them are obese, but they seem to put pressure on us constantly to gain weight.
  • mckant
    mckant Posts: 217 Member
    I get it, too. People have told me that others are whispering about me and suggesting I'm on the road to anorexia (I hope I'm not offending anyone :blushing: ). And there's no way I can discuss exercise or food with anyone because I get nagged about it. Now I just tell people that I have to record what I eat so I make sure I'm eating enough. It's like I'm giving in and admitting I have an issue. It gets so old. :grumble:
  • Bridgetc140
    Bridgetc140 Posts: 405 Member
    I can relate all too well. It pisses me off to no end. I work hard at being healthy and it seems like others that have no motivation want you to eat the crap they do to make them feel better about themselves. We went to applebees one day and I decided that I was going to order something from the under 550 calories menu OF COURSE. Mind you, 550 is A LOT for me for one meal....never mind the astronomical amounts of SODIUM. Anyway, "someone" (I won't say names) was trying to get us to order from the specials menu with 2 entrees and an appetizer for $20....sorry, my health is not on sale...but anyway, my meal was only $9 anyway. Anyway...he was like "Well, just order the salad" The oriental chicken salad that is 1040 calories according to my Android App Restaurant Nutrition...I said "No thanks" Then he proceeds to tell me that I'm getting too skinny. I thought to myself "Well, I'd rather not take diet advice from someone who is 5'7" and 250lbs" (not trying to offend anyone here, of course)

    I don't tell others what to eat or what to look like so I'd prefer they didn't tell me.
  • Rainbow_Brite86
    I can relate all too well. It pisses me off to no end. I work hard at being healthy and it seems like others that have no motivation want you to eat the crap they do to make them feel better about themselves. We went to applebees one day and I decided that I was going to order something from the under 550 calories menu OF COURSE. Mind you, 550 is A LOT for me for one meal....never mind the astronomical amounts of SODIUM. Anyway, "someone" (I won't say names) was trying to get us to order from the specials menu with 2 entrees and an appetizer for $20....sorry, my health is not on sale...but anyway, my meal was only $9 anyway. Anyway...he was like "Well, just order the salad" The oriental chicken salad that is 1040 calories according to my Android App Restaurant Nutrition...I said "No thanks" Then he proceeds to tell me that I'm getting too skinny. I thought to myself "Well, I'd rather not take diet advice from someone who is 5'7" and 250lbs" (not trying to offend anyone here, of course)

    I don't tell others what to eat or what to look like so I'd prefer they didn't tell me.

    I totally agree, and some one 2 weeks ago said this irritate me to no end...Ugh...