XD time to get skinny!

buttrock Posts: 2
edited September 26 in Introduce Yourself
i use to say i dont skinny dip and that i chunky dunk instead. BUUUTTT its time for a change! i want to skinny dip! lol im only 19 almost 20 and im ready for a change. no more getting made fun of. even though i do know how to work with what i have and make it look good mmm lol im ready for a change and a better way of living. just because people say im beautiful doesnt mean i feel beautiful. thank you to every one though who trys to make me feel good about myself. but im sick of not feeling good about my weight. when i look at myself it just makes me feel like poop haha it makes me sad thinking to myself. damn how did i let myself get this big? i want to look at my self and say DAMN HOWED I GET THIS HOT!!! lol once i help myself... then i want to help others that are in my posision =) and let them know that it is posible and to not lose hope =) but in order for that to happen im going to need as much help as i can to lose weight myself haha you scratch my back i scratch yours =) hey! lets get skinny yall! show 'm what we are made of ! XD chins up !!! if you need help with any thing! you just let me know! and ill do what ever i can to help !

sorry for the bad spelling . its not my forte


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