Weekends "off"

cait1986 Posts: 4
edited September 26 in Motivation and Support
I was wondering if any one else takes weekends "off" of calorie counting. I have learned how to eat in proper portion sizes, which has helped a lot but I find it difficult to eat salad and soup all weekend when my chidlren and fiance are enjoying other yummy foods. During the week it isn't as difficult as my fiance works afternoons and isn't here for dinner or even lunch most days. So I make all of the food choices for my kids and I. I feel that if I eat what they eat, in the right portion size, that it won't hurt my "diet" all that much - atleast for the weekend. Last weekend is the first weekend I tried this technique and I had a few things that I shouldn't have (MC Donalds Cream Egg McFlurry - YIKES!). However - at the end of the weekend I had gained no weight but lost a tiny bit. And this week, the weight continues to come off as it has been.

At first I wondered how difficult it would be to go back and forth. But - I have done very well this week stayin within my calorie amount allowed per day. It was as if I knew that once Monday arrived I had to "behave". But I do plan to treat myself a little over the weekend again.

Does any one else do this? Or have a "free day" a week?



  • 6heatherb6
    6heatherb6 Posts: 469 Member
    I'll be interested too as I'm going away this weekend...
  • azlady7
    azlady7 Posts: 471 Member
    i am obsessed with entering my cals. BUT I do sorta take a day off ever ynow and then from worrying about my cals. but i still enter it lol. i just dont care if i go over some days.
  • monanom
    monanom Posts: 1
    Some doctors actually recommend to have one day a wekk where you can "cheat" on your diet. However, you should wait until you have shed off some pounds before you can start this habit. I personally will diet for about 10 days before I start my cheating days and have Chipotle. Hope this helps!
  • fhm949
    fhm949 Posts: 1
    My wife and I are actually doing the "Cheater's Diet" which requires you to take the weekends off! We are both slowly losing in spite of it. or maybe because of it. A weight loss dr. wrote the book and has used it to help lots of overweight folks lose weight. Dr Paul Rivas is the expert who came up with the idea. Check it out
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    I still enter my overages because I like seeing the red numbers and the sky high estimated "If every day were like today..." weight. I'll quick add about 6500 approximated buffet calories if I have to.
  • jbug100
    jbug100 Posts: 406 Member
    I do loosen the reins a bit on the weekend, but I don't use the weekend as an excuse to eat poorly. Friday is pizza/movie night at my house, so if I feel like pizza, I will eat that. I am finding that I really don't want the junk so much any more. I am just as happy with healthier food. Chocolate and sweets are my weakness. If I am craving that, I will have it, then be done with it.
  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    I do relax a little bit on the weekends or when I'm traveling - I still try to log my foods so I know how 'bad' I've been, and I try to make sensible choices (like checking the menu online in advance and going with the lower cal options at restaurants, splitting a desert, etc...). It's slowed down my weight loss some I'm sure, but it also makes for a more livable plan that I can stick with for life, which I think is the most important part. And sometimes I think it actually helps to shake things up, rather than eating the same thing over and over again, which your body gets used to.
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    I think taking the whole weekend as 2 free days is going overboard (unless you just have 1 free meal on each of those days). My vote would be 1 free day or 2 free meals, tops. That said, every once in a blue if you want to just have a big splurge all weekend long, go for it. Just don't make it the norm.
  • LadyOfOceanBreeze
    LadyOfOceanBreeze Posts: 762 Member
  • missy1970eb
    missy1970eb Posts: 1,209 Member
    not 4 me but i am training at the mo for 10k in july so needs must, am off camping for the weekend and am even taking 30d shred with me lol and planning lots of walking :smile:
  • MeliciousMelis
    MeliciousMelis Posts: 458 Member
    My weekends are def. less structured than my Monday through Friday routine...and so I will eat non standard foods then- but I do try to keep within my target, or make sure to work out to accommodate any indulgence. :)
  • wpcole
    wpcole Posts: 1
    I have been using weight watchers for many years and decided to try this program and love it! On the weight watchers program, my sister and I developed an 80/20 rule. 80% of the time you are on track and 20% you get to splurge. We lost lots of weight using this rule and even the WW leader promoted it. You did not feel like you were being deprived of some of the considered "sinful" treats like others around you are enjoying, and you even lose weight. We picked what days were good for us to be off program within our 20% and it did not always have to be on the weekend, whenever it worked for your schedule.

    Although I am using this program to count calories, I am applying my WW's techniques I have learned over the years and the weight is coming off. Portion control is the key thing and as long as you know you can go off track some whether it be on the weekend or during the middle of the week, but you stay on track when you have to - no reason you can't take weekends off!

  • lovlegs84
    lovlegs84 Posts: 17
    Yes i do the same thing ... i guess i don't have the discipline i have during work days !!! Its really hard for me to stay on point when i'm at home all day on the weekends with my kids !!!
  • I am less on my weekends, but I don't go "all out" if you will, I just do it in moderation. I don't eat much junk food...:D
  • alexbowser
    alexbowser Posts: 322
    I'm not taking weekends off, I prefer to wait for special occasions and then cheat in moderation. My friend's birthday party is in a few weeks and I'm just I'll have a piece of birthday cake then, and then a piece on my birthday the week after. If I take weekends off (I've tried it before) eventually I don't get back to eating well on Monday.
  • alexbowser
    alexbowser Posts: 322
    My computer loves to double post, is there anyway to delete them?
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    I track everyday whether I eat well or not. I do give myself Saturdays as a "cheat" day but I aneed to get that in control because I go overboard. I feel it is important to track everyday so if I do see a gain I can understand what I might be doing wrong to correct it.
  • I keep to my healthy diet for breakfast and lunch, but dinner is pretty much whatever I want on the weekends now that I'm below my goal weight. If my son is having spaghetti and meatballs, I'll have spaghetti and "meat"balls (I don't eat red meat, so I have faux meatballs). I figure that I'm so good during the week and during the morning and afternoons of my weekends that I deserve to be a little bad sometimes. ;-)
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