What is P90X?



  • syd1980
    syd1980 Posts: 283
    I got my P90X for $89 on line. Personally it is the best thing i did. Cant afford a gym membership .

    I have completed one round. I love my 90 days pics. 20 pounds lost and over 23 inches. currently on my second round.
  • starboardzor
    it's an overrated workout plan that people throw their money at.

    i'm very anti-p90x, i think it's just completely overrated. just eat healthy, lift heavy and stay active and you can achieve the same results, if not better than what you'd get wasting your time doing p90x

    It wasn't THAT expensive. Furthermore, I was very intimidated by weights and the gym for YEARS and P90X introduced me to free weights and really started me off. It was just the introduction I needed and it's been extremely insightful and helpful for me. I'm not the only one who thinks this. There are thousands of us. I've seen changes in my body that I would not be seeing right now if it weren't for the P90X program.

    it's dropped down in price, but still i think it's around the $250 mark, which is just stupid when you can get workout plans for FREE on the internet.

    and i've yet to see any impressive "before and after" p90x progress pictures (that isn't an obvious advertorial run by p90x marketing *kitten*)

    for something that works you so hard, the results sure are minimal.

    My results have been exactly what I was looking for, but obviously it isn't going to work for everybody. I enjoy the pace of the videos and they give my workouts structure. I've also seen a ton of people's photos on this site alone who got great results from the program. It's a good place to start if you want to build some muscle, but aren't sure where to start. My running has improved since I began it, as well as my flexibility (for the first time in my life I can touch my toes) and that is definitely not minimal results to me! It isn't just about lifting weights, or even lifting heavy weights, it also provides a wide variety of cardio, flexibility, and core work outs. I've eliminated knee and back pain thanks to all the strenghening moves, many of which don't require equipment, whereas the gym's weight machines were only aggravating my poor joints and I certainly wasn't brave enough to try my hand in the free weights section having absolutely no clue what I was doing.

    Of course it's still an infomercial and they're going to promote all their overpriced stuff (recovery drinks, etc) but I just didn't buy into it. All I got were the discs which was around $130 or so with shipping. But I also cancelled my gym membership ($60 a month) and have seen much better results, so I say I saved money. I'd recommend it to anybody.
  • starboardzor
    I got my P90X for $89 on line. Personally it is the best thing i did. Cant afford a gym membership .

    I have completed one round. I love my 90 days pics. 20 pounds lost and over 23 inches. currently on my second round.

    Those certainly aren't minimal results! I love the program as well. I'm thinking about getting the Tony one-on-one videos. Or maybe Insanity.