Injury = weight gain?

I injured my lower back a few days ago and have done nothing but lay around and recover since. This is not new, I know the drill. Here is what I don't understand... I am up 4lbs. Is it possible that I am retaining water or that the inflamation is causing fake weight gain?

It's bad enough that I am in nasty fricken pain, I don't need to stress that I am going to gain all my weight back do I?

Thanks in advance, I am so bummed.


  • Dreamerlove
    Dreamerlove Posts: 441 Member
    I'm sorry you hurt your back! I tore ligaments in my right foot on Saturday and didn't do anything for 5 days!!! The doctor said it will be 2 weeks to 6 months before it will be useful. So that means no cardio for me!!! I decided to to upper and core work instead and watch what I eat..only whole fresh foods.

    I am not sure what if any exercise you are able to do, yet but just look at it like a challenge. There are people who lose limbs, and yet can stay in shape or run marathons. You may just have to eat super clean till you can walk a couple miles a day or ride a bike maybe..??..I know if you walk 6 miles you burn more than running 3 so, just look at like a challenge.

    I refuse to let this stop me. You can do it!
  • ser0630
    ser0630 Posts: 223
    Sometimes getting up and walking around might help lessen the pain. Try that. When you are able to, EASE back into working out. Don't do what I have done in the past and pick right up where you left off, it could make things worse. I agree with JesWolfe6 and watch what you eat.