Losing Motivation quickly

I'm 11 lbs down which is amazing. I'm very pleased with the weight I have lost so far. However I am having a really hard time getting back into the groove of things. I used to go to the gym for an hour a day. Then I stopped going to the gym because of schoolwork and I just watched what I ate and stayed under 1200 calories. I took last weekend off because I had a bachelorette party on Friday, an all day rodeo on Saturday, and a NHL game on Sunday. So I didn't log my entire weekend and although I didn't eat horribly I know I ate more than I needed.
Well now it is Wednesday and I have logged Monday, Tuesday, and today but have been over every single day. My weigh day is supposed to be tomorrow but it will devastate me if I get on the scale and have even gained a pound. So I should I skip tomorrows weigh day? How can I regain motivation to get back to the gym and cut down on what I eat? I'm just lost because everyday I plan on being under and some temptation comes up and I eat it regardless of it I really wanted it or not.

Please help!


  • LindseyC87
    LindseyC87 Posts: 178 Member
    I think you should still weigh in tomorrow.. If the scale goes up, it should motivate you to stay on the wagon because even taking a few day break can cause you to gain all your hard work right back.
  • trishb1
    trishb1 Posts: 8 Member
    I hope to see what the answers are for this. I am in the same boat as you...but I got on the scale and went from seeing 10lbs lost to 7lbs.....it has sent me for a loop! Why is it so hard to start back now?
  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    Just start logging in your food....everyday. Even if your over.....it will help you to stay on the right track, and know were your at. Then you won't be surprised when you gain. You only have 9 pounds to lose...you can do it if you really want to.

  • SheilaSisco
    SheilaSisco Posts: 722 Member
    Weigh in. It's all bout being honest with yourself. And really, you should be eating at least 1200 calories NET every day... you could gain simply by not eating ENOUGH. If your goal is set at 1200 by MFP, at least try to stay within 50 cals on either side of that. So weigh. You never know, those extra calories could have helped you LOSE... I've heard stranger true stories on this site before. ;)
  • andrea10191
    andrea10191 Posts: 24 Member
    A few bad days doesn't mean you should give up. If your weight is up this week just get right back into tracking and working out. Better to have to drop 1-2 extra pounds now than 20-30 if you just keep letting things slide. Setbacks happen. You still need to live your life, even if you are trying to lose weight.
  • k2d4p
    k2d4p Posts: 441 Member
    This is my opinion! I want others to be successful as well and I want to help. Please take this constructively!

    I get really really frustrated when I read certain comments like this. I am going to try to explain because I really want to help. What do you mean you took a day off? Of what, life? You should not be on a diet, you should just be living. If you have a day where you go over your calories, then it is just that, a day you go over. Exercise when you can and eat smart when you can. Nothing should be "off limits" completely. Just eat smart. Moderation. If you have a day when you splurge, be careful the next day. Don't take a "day off". Because everyday is your life. Not just the days you eat really well. Good luck to you!
  • Celo24
    Celo24 Posts: 566 Member
    This is my opinion! I want others to be successful as well and I want to help. Please take this constructively!

    I get really really frustrated when I read certain comments like this. I am going to try to explain because I really want to help. What do you mean you took a day off? Of what, life? You should not be on a diet, you should just be living. If you have a day where you go over your calories, then it is just that, a day you go over. Exercise when you can and eat smart when you can. Nothing should be "off limits" completely. Just eat smart. Moderation. If you have a day when you splurge, be careful the next day. Don't take a "day off". Because everyday is your life. Not just the days you eat really well. Good luck to you!

    Well said!
  • rodneyderrick
    rodneyderrick Posts: 483 Member
    I would say that anybody with extra weight around his or her belly has an eating disorder, and tools like MFP are great ways to keep that eating disorder under control. If overeating is an eating disorder, why would you or anybody else think they had the ability to stop using the tool after losing a few pounds? If you had lost 11 pounds, stopped logging, and never gained any of the weight back, it may be safe to say that you've overcome your eating disorder. Since you gained weight, I guess it's safe to say you still have a problem with food.

    You're thinking of logging your calories as a diet, and this is a way of life. Even after you met your weight-loss goal, you should log calories to maintain. You can be skinny for life, but you cannot think of this tool as a diet plan. It's a lifestyle change. If eating 1200 calories a day stresses out your body, then set your settings differently to take in more calories, but log even if you eat crap. Log log log.
  • emd0019
    emd0019 Posts: 179 Member
    This is my opinion! I want others to be successful as well and I want to help. Please take this constructively!

    I get really really frustrated when I read certain comments like this. I am going to try to explain because I really want to help. What do you mean you took a day off? Of what, life? You should not be on a diet, you should just be living. If you have a day where you go over your calories, then it is just that, a day you go over. Exercise when you can and eat smart when you can. Nothing should be "off limits" completely. Just eat smart. Moderation. If you have a day when you splurge, be careful the next day. Don't take a "day off". Because everyday is your life. Not just the days you eat really well. Good luck to you!

    Thank you for the reality check. I understand it's a life change but it's still hard not to feel like their are certain things off limits. And I meant day off as day off logging. I ate a grilled chicken sandwich at the NHL game so I was trying to be good, I guess to offset the dip'n'dots I knew I was going to have.

    I basically just slipped and am having a hard time getting back the motivation to go to the gym. I guess I'll weigh tomorrow and hopefully if I have gained weight than it will encourage me.
    Thanks everybody for your help.
  • ValyriaWCiO
    ValyriaWCiO Posts: 4 Member
    Boy, do I know this situation! It's one I deal with on a regular basis (unfortunately) and it can be soooooo tough to bounce back from. But I can tell you that you *can* do it! It takes a lot of conscious effort to shift your thought process and "get back on the wagon", but a week like this (including the possible gain at your weigh in) can be useful to help not just motivate you, but to help you understand your triggers and eating behaviors better. Not easy lessons to learn sometimes.

    First... don't worry about what others may say. During times like this, the last thing I ever wanted to hear was "If you want to lose weight, you can do it if you want to." That may be true, but it can only make you feel worse. Don't listen to those, at least not yet. Wait until you're in a more positive frame of mind, then take that in. Right now, you need to listen to yourself and cut yourself a break. You're not "bad", "wrong", or "a failure." You're a human trying to change their life. You will have difficulties. It's ok. As I was once told... "Progress, not perfection."

    Next... your weigh in. Do it. Having those numbers (no matter what they are) gives you a way to track your progress. Remember, it's not the only way (tracking measurements, the way your clothes fit, how you're feeling overall are other ways). A body's weight fluctuates quite a bit for a number of reasons, so don't let that be your sole gauge of your progress. Let it guide you and help you set your goals for the future.

    This is the time when you're gonna need to dig deep; find that spark of inner strength, remember your motivations for losing the weight in the first place, help yourself believe that it's not one moment in time that defines your weight loss journey, but everything you choose along the way that will ultimately determine your success. This one week is not your whole journey. It's only one small part of it with more left to be determined. You hold the power to make each choice. Pour your determination into making that next choice, no matter how small it may seem, a positive one. Just one to start. Don't worry about the rest for now. One moment at a time.

    Know that you're not alone. The mere fact that you posted shows that you haven't given up. That's a great choice! You CAN do it! :flowerforyou:
  • suzooz
    suzooz Posts: 720 Member
    You've already taken the first step -- you're back on the site and asking for help.

    I would weigh in. It sounds like you were very much in control of what you were eating -- even if you weren't logging it. I have also read where varying your calories can help your weight loss. You never know!

    Good luck, and dare I say -- get back on the horse?
  • lisapickering
    Regarding weighing in tomorrow -- think about how you will react. I personally wouldn't weigh in because it would have a negative impact on me. I would work REALLY hard (read: high intensity workouts and staying within my calories) for the next week and then next week hope to have a loss. Everybody is different and you need to think about what's best for you. You stumbled this weekend but don't let it bother you, you can't change it. Just start doing again what you did to lose the first 11 lbs!