Trying to take it one day at a time

I haven't exercised in years. The most walking I've done is walking around WalMart while grocery shopping. I am officially three days in and I'm trying to stay motivated. The hardest thing for me is the food. Sad to say, I love eat - I love food and it's all that bad food that I am not suppose to eat. I've started replacing chips, donuts, and candy with grapes, apples, and oranges. Instead of eating KFC, I am now eating a side salad for lunch. Haven't had a soda in 3 days. I feel like I am starving myself. Kicking this bad food habit and learning to eat more healhier foods is going to be the hardest thing. Please provide tips and suggestions to overcome the hunger pains that I still have.


  • jessieleah
    jessieleah Posts: 204 Member
    Something that people told me when I was starting that really helped is don't do everything all at once. You don't have to just snap one day and eat 100% healthy. You can take it slow and just start replacing some foods at a time. It makes it a lot easier, and it helped me a lot. :)
  • jennro7781
    jennro7781 Posts: 208
    Sugar and soda are the worst to get over! Just keep keepin' on girl! It's awful but once the cravings stop you'll be good to go! I've been "off" soda for almost a year but every once in a while I'll get one and it tastes disgusting! Good luck!
  • Jenlynphi
    Jenlynphi Posts: 183 Member
    The first two weeks were the hardest for me. I just tried to drink lots of water and eat foods that would help me feel full. It's also easier to eat small meals or snacks throughout the day. After about the third week, my body adjusted and now I have to make myself eat all of my calories. I know it sounds crazy but it will happen to you too if you stay on track. Almonds, laughing cow cheese wedges, wheat thins, boiled eggs, and yougurt are a few of my snacks that I keep handy. Good luck on your journey. :)

    Giving up my daily coke was the hardest but I haven't had a soda since January. You can do it! Also, I don't deprive myself. If I really want something. I just either have half of it or a taste of it. If not, I know I will binge big time. :)
  • carrie145
    carrie145 Posts: 297
    I'm gonna agree with Jessieleah..Take it slow, if you try to do it all at once you will feel deprived and you will be more likely to binge. It won't happen over night, but it will happen for you! Good Luck!
  • rodneyderrick
    rodneyderrick Posts: 483 Member
    You have to take this weight-loss thing one day at a time; but if you log every day, every meal, and even when you're stressed, you'll lose all the weight you wanna lose. Don't think of this as a diet, but as a lifestyle change.
  • asmith0301
    asmith0301 Posts: 25 Member
    Something that people told me when I was starting that really helped is don't do everything all at once. You don't have to just snap one day and eat 100% healthy. You can take it slow and just start replacing some foods at a time. It makes it a lot easier, and it helped me a lot. :)

    I couldn't agree more. Every day will get better!!
  • sae1316
    sae1316 Posts: 70 Member
    Throw some lean protien in with that salad at lunch :)
  • SuperStorm
    SuperStorm Posts: 119 Member
    I can honestly tell you I've been in your shoes LOL
    I LOVE food!
    I can also honestly tell you that it DOES get easier! If you can make it through day one, then you can make it through day two. If you can make it through day two then you can make it through day three and so on and all of the sudden you will have made it through a week! Then you're two weeks in, and finally you hit the one month mark. It's amazing how easy it becomes and soon you will WANT the healthier foods.
    I'm not going to lie, it's hard to stay on track sometimes. I have been having a rough three weeks myself, gained 4lbs LOL
    HOWEVER, I'll get through it and so will you. I'm a year in and if I can do it, you can too!!!!
    Good luck on your journey! :)
  • traceybarbour
    traceybarbour Posts: 226 Member
    Make small daily/weekly changes..Try to cut back on things first before cutting out, I found it was much easier to phase out at first instead of the cold turkey approach.Good luck!!
  • B2BB
    B2BB Posts: 222 Member
    That's all we can do, just remember its took us years to get into all these bad habit its gonna take time to break them. I always tell my self if I do good all week on sat or sun I can treat myself with an awesome dessert or a meal of my choice. One meal or dessert won't hurt and it give me something to work towards. Add yogurt, protein, complex carbs to your meals it will keep u fuller for longer. I eat 3 small meals and snack in between 3 snacks, like fruit yogurt nuts. Add me or message me for any support:)
  • SandyLee1961
    SandyLee1961 Posts: 133 Member
    I totally understand this! For years I had the worst eating habits, especially at night! Since joining MFP I've tried very hard to kick those. Every single night I used to eat a bag (large bag mind you) of Fruit Chews - no, they aren't fruit, almost total sugar! And on most nights I also had a nice big bag of extra butter microwave popcorn. It's been a week since I last had either of those. I'm not going to lie - it's been tough!! But, I'm seeing progress not only in my waistline, but I have SO much more energy. You can do this!!!
  • slyder432
    slyder432 Posts: 475 Member
    The best thing you could do was to make a decison to make that lifestyle change. You can do this. Just keep logging on and counting those calories. Trial and error is what it is about until you develope some consistancy. Hang in there. Feel free to add me as a friend. We will help when we can!!

    Pray for it!!
  • pinkgigi
    pinkgigi Posts: 693 Member
    I'd suggest having a small can of tuna with your salad for lunch. Also for me I started out small by cutting out sugar initially, and then as my body adjusted to that (2 weeks), I started cleaning up the rest of my diet. Be kind to yourself, eat when you are hungry, and distract yourself if you know it isn't hunger but some other reason you want to stuff your face.

    Enjoy, you are on your way!

  • rsnorman
    rsnorman Posts: 2
    Changing food habits is difficult, but I agree that it a weening process may be better than cutting cold turkey in order to see long term results. Try taking your favorite foods and changing small things about the meal to make it healthier. If you like fried chicken, try baked chicken with a side salad. Like hamburgers and fries? Try turkey burgers and mixed vegetables. Making minor changes like substituting water with lemon or cucumber for flavor instead of soda pop and juice become addictive and part of your everyday life over time.
  • arhzon
    arhzon Posts: 150
    If you can cut a little bit, you are already taking a step in the right direction. Think of it this way: if you are gaining weight now, and then little changes have you gaining LESS weight, you are already moving toward losing weight. Small changes at a time. I have tried many crash diets in my life, including salad diets, low-cal diets, and anything cut too much will make you feel like you are starving, and can hurt your body and even hinder weight loss. Besides that, just make sure you mark everything down on here, even if you have a "fat day" eating junk food. The only one you can lie to on here is yourself. :-)