Uhhh.. Funky digestion lately [might be gross]



  • monkeybelle83
    monkeybelle83 Posts: 141 Member
    I have this type of problem frequently. I noticed that probiotics seemed to help, like the activia yogurt, or just picking up the pills from the grocery store.
  • kykykenna
    kykykenna Posts: 656 Member
    Splenda gives my husband diarrhea. It affects quite a few people that way so that's a possible culprit. lus, if the splenda is making your system run faster (pun intended) then it's possible your body just dos't have time to digest the fiber from your salads before it gets dumped. Caffeine is also a bowel stimulant. See if you can back off the artificial sweeteners and work on cutting back on the caffeine as able. I bet you'll see a big difference. If you need the sweet. Try switching to stevia. It's supposed to be more natural. Worth a shot anyway.

    Good luck with your poo! :)
  • kykykenna
    kykykenna Posts: 656 Member
    Absolutely agree with the Splenda thing.....as far as I am concerned, I stay FAR away from it. As you stated it affects everyone differently, but I am just like your husband. It is like someone put my intestines on screech. My cousins father drinks Crystal Light. When her kids go to visit, they actually say they want some of Gramps "Poopin' Kool Aid"...apparantly does the same thing to them...lol.......This being said, not blaming it soley on the Splenda, but I know that is exactly what would happen to me if I drank something with it in it. :)
  • meka325
    meka325 Posts: 47
    The frequency is definitely more fiber and you can get sudden urges from a high fiber diet. This may be TMI, but I go like 3x/day routinely and it is not unusual for me to not have to go one minute and have to go the next. I wouldn't worry about the undigested leaves too much. You may also see undigested pepper skins and other things in there if you eat them. As for the muddy poo, if it's more of a diarrhea type thing- like it's very loose and explosive-, it could be just due to your system not used to the new foods. If its just soft, again, I don't think it's too much to worry about. I also agree with some of the others: steer clear of that fake sugar. I don't trust that stuff.