The 100 calorie snacks and such



  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member

    @wolfchild - I hope I can get to the point where I never crave this stuff because I know how unhealthy it is but for now I guess its just a transition phase. What is PB2? The thing that kills me is that EVERYTHING has sugar. Every single thing I pick up...and thats what I worry about with all these snacks too. I usually drink black coffee, water and one crystal light pack mixed in water per day. How do you feel about stevia? I use to use truvia to sweeten my smoothies and such. I don't do my smoothies anymore because of the calories...maybe if I do smoothies instead of 100 calorie snacks that would be good haha.

    I try to avoid all artificial sweeteners as much as I possibly can. That’s not anything that’s a result of joining MFP, I just can’t stand the taste of them. To me they all taste fake and leave my mouth with a sticky feel and gross aftertaste I always have to then eat or drink something after to get rid of it. Plus, the chemical aspect of them just makes it that much easier to avoid. Really, unless you’re growing your own stevia plants, whatever you’re getting has been chemically altered in some way. I’m not trying to preach to people that do like them and I’m not a “clean” eater, I just really hate artificial sweeteners and always have. Lol I’m also a person that doesn’t buy fat free versions of things that naturally have fat in them, because I’d rather just take the hit of having the fat rather than whatever they’d added in to replace the fat and flavor.

    With smoothies, there isn't really any need to add sweeteners. If you're using good fruit they should be more than sweet enough to hold their own without any additional sweeteners.

    And PB2 is my biggest addiction. It’s a powdered peanut butter that is made by pressing 85% of the oil out of the peanuts and turning them into a powder. You just add a little bit of water and you get instant peanut butter. The only ingredients are roasted peanuts, salt and sugar (there’s cocoa powder in the chocolate version). But’s only 45 calories per two dry tablespoons (makes about one tablespoon mixed, so about 90 calories for one “normal” serving of peanut butter) and I use it on everything I can. I really like that you can control how thick or thin it is with the amount of water you add. I make it standard consistency for stuff like eating with apples or on sandwiches. But I also use warm water and make it thinner to use as an instant peanut butter topping on Wow Cow froyo or pour over some fresh popped popcorn in a paper bag and shake until the popcorn is totally coated in the peanut butter...SO amazing! And since it’s a powder it doesn’t have to be refrigerated like some other natural peanut butters (or the other lower cal PB replacement, Better’N Peanut Butter). I order it directly from the website and I’m totally in love with it. It’s peanut butter heaven to me
  • wildon883r
    wildon883r Posts: 429 Member
    Plenty of other healthy snacks that are natural out there that don't come in 100 calories packs. Make your own. I eat 1 oz of pistachio's every day at 170 cal per 1/4 cup shelled serving. Low calorie for a nut and extremely healthy for your body. Just say no to processed anything.
  • aeckels616
    aeckels616 Posts: 210 Member
    What kind of low glycemic snacks do you eat? I am looking for ideas too :)

    Almonds, yogurt (plain, or with berries/Truvia added if I need something sweet. No sugar or artificial sweeteners.), cottage cheese, string cheese, boiled eggs, turkey roll-ups, peanut butter, avocados, apples, laughing cow cheese, sourdough rye bread (though I try to stay away from breads as much as possible), pretty much anything that doesn't contain sugar or flour or excessive amounts of sodium.