Exercise History

In case this helps with putting things in perspective I wanted to share my own history with regards to exercise and diet. I hope that others will also share to give a broader view of how physical activity plays a part in our lives.

As a teenager I raced bicycles. From 14 years to 18 or 19 I would ride 250-300 miles per week. I was in good shape despite eating basically whatever I wanted in whatever quantities I wanted. I was generally vegetarian at that point though not strict. I loved seeing landscape pass as I trained. I loved the speed of sprints or descents.

Through university I fenced. It was a class for credit and fun. I found it stimulating and challenging. I set myself the goal of being best in the class. I worked hard at it. I continued to cycle though I had quit racing.

Married I rode less (less dangerously and less time). I continued to fence with a friend. Eventually though, we both decided that we would simply walk a 1.5 mile loop every morning rain or shine (well, it never was shining at that hour, but you understand). I loved the walk. At times it was good conversation. At times it was thoughtful reflection on life.

We moved house to an area which did not offer a simple loop and I quit walking. I also started struggling with severe depression.

I walk again now but not at that hour. I have found good trails with wildlife and beauty. Most of the time I am alone. This is good for meditation and introspection. One of my favorite trails takes me on a 5 mile climb of more than 1500 feet. At the point where I turn around I can see a 200 mile stretch of the California Coast Range.

I'm slow on a bicycle and with a blade, now, but I love the views I get when I go hiking. I'll share some if you want but I want to hear your own histories.


  • Escultor
    Escultor Posts: 64
    Something I forgot to include in the above, I was injured in a cycling crash which tore intersticial (between the ribs) tissue which now prevents me doing sit-ups or that sort of exercise. Crushes, pull-downs, chin-ups, etc. Now my belly is my most challenging point.

    I also blew my knee out on a training ride. It felt like an ice pick had gone in from one side then was ripped forward out from under the knee-cap. I have not been able to cycle since. Outright running always gives me trouble but I go back to it from time to time.

    Consequently, I depend mostly on brisk walking. Many of the trail runners on the mountain in my photo say that I almost make the same time they do so it's a good pace but not quite the same cardio workout. I just need to be faithful in getting out.

    Has anyone got recommendations for me given those injuries?
