honest feedback---> new pics and even I'm scared

I just took some pics of myself and decided to look at the raw proof and im struggling a lot right now trying to wrap my head around the concept that I may need to gain some weight. Without my face in the picture I can look at this body and see someone who doesnt look good. I feel like i need help and dont know what to do. then again, part of me feels like i look just fine but i know thats a distortion.

http://i283.photobucket.com/albums/kk312/jess3582_photo/honest feedback please/me3.jpg

http://i283.photobucket.com/albums/kk312/jess3582_photo/honest feedback please/me2.jpg

http://i283.photobucket.com/albums/kk312/jess3582_photo/honest feedback please/me1.jpg

i still want to lose weight. i dont have a scale right now and i feel like my weight might be even lower then 110. i dont know. does anyone on here struggle with eating disorders or the need to gain weight and what thats like?



  • NyxDominique
    NyxDominique Posts: 271 Member
    I know you may not want to hear this, but if you are still unhappy with your body and think you need to lose more weight you might want to consider talking to a therapist about it. It is free with most insurances to go, and talk to a counciler a few times a year.

    The first picture shows what I thought looked like a amazing body. I was very happy for you thinking that you had lost weight to get there.

    The other two pictures then i realized what you were getting at. It is honestly quite scary to look at.

    My best recommendation would be to talk to either a nuritionalist, councelor, or doctor about both the way your body looks and the way that you feel about your body.

    Professionals would be able to give you the best possible answer regarding if you need to gain weight or not.
  • Kirstie_C26
    Kirstie_C26 Posts: 490 Member
    in the 2nd n 3rd pics ur bones r stickin out....so u may HAVE TO put some weight back on...have u been weighed by a dr? as a dr can tell u exactly where u lie on the BMI under--->obese range, ive never had the problem of being too thin, completely the opposite lol but plz ask a dr n get the best advice u can hon

    best wishes
    Kirstie xx
  • n0pants3ver
    n0pants3ver Posts: 175
    You look really healthy in your first picture, but the 2nd, & 3rd are TOO skinny. It looks unhealthy. I suggest you put on a couple pounds.
  • gertrude13
    hey there! we can't really judge you based on your pics, (because we're a cyber community) but please please please go to a doctor. i have seen this is your 2nd post on this topic, if this bothers you this much then go to a professional :D
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    How would you feel about working towards gaining some additional muscle mass? Your actual scale weight may stay the same or may even go down, but you will look and feel healthier and stronger. It's hard to tell from just pictures, but you probably don't need to lose any more weight.

    If you think you may have an eating disorder, it might be worth contacting the National Eating Disorder Association at 1-800-931-2237 and just chatting with them to see if they have any sort of advice or guidance to offer.

    Edit: Just wanted to also add that you don't look scary skinny. I would guess you're either at the low-end of "normal" or just a bit "under-weight". It's probably a good thing that you're taking a good hard look. If you start taking some steps to make sure you're on a healthy path, it means you won't fall far deep into that underweight category. It's brave of you to post this. I hope you find your way.
  • rdaraz
    rdaraz Posts: 103
    you really, seriously, don't need to lose anymore weight. you may have lost a little too much... :s
  • LJV1031
    LJV1031 Posts: 502 Member
    I agree with everyone here, especially taso42, with trying to build muscle mass and calling the # he gave you. First step is acknowledging you may have a problem and it seems you are there. Good luck.
  • luvamig
    luvamig Posts: 90 Member
    I agree, putting on some muscle mass will make you feel better about your over all shape. It will help with any areas that you're unsure about, and cover up some of those bones!! =D

    See a nutritionalist to get on a muscle healthy diet and perhaps get a trainer (If you can).

    I think these two things will help you out a lot. If you still feel anxiety about your body, therapy can help.

    Good luck!
  • BunnybeeJG
    BunnybeeJG Posts: 344 Member
    It does seem as though you're concerned so ... that's good. I agree that if its something you seem to be having trouble with maybe you're ready to get help if there really is a problem .. i wish you luck and you can always talk on here we will all always listen. call the number taso gave ya and def. see a doctor see if theres soemthing that they could reccommend to help you gain a little and stay healthy..
    everyones so focused on losing that they forget that sometimes it can be and is just as dangerous to be really underweight as it is to be overweight.
    just breathe and go to a doctor if its not being able to eat or whathave you idk the whole situation of why you're losing so much... but .. its going to be okay ..
  • Enchantica
    Enchantica Posts: 117
    I looked at the tummy picture and thought you look a little like my sort of size (I weigh in at around 112lbs now and I'm 5'1" tall. The picture of the ribs sticking out isn't good though and makes me think that you really do need to put on a little weight. I thought the one of your back looks ok though. You SERIOUSLY DON'T NEED TO LOOSE ANY MORE WEIGHT. Doing some training to target the areas you're worried about is a great idea. I'm now at target weight and have switched my focus from diet to exercise to trim up all those little flabby bits that my eye always falls on when I see myself naked! If you do think you need to loose more then I think it's time to seek some professional help.
  • SaraTonin
    SaraTonin Posts: 551 Member
    As always, Taso offers great advice. I agree with not losing any more.

    Do you find you get dizzy or woozy easily? Are you decently drunk after one drink? Those were my signs, personally. That was over a year ago, though, and I was pretty far underweight - not eating because I was poor! Slowly but surely I've gained 10 pounds since then and I can now drink TWO drinks. Haha. Someday I'll work up to 3 drinks. I'm finally in a "normal" BMI and not an underweight one as of last month.

    Have you set MFP to maintenance level? I have mine set to gain .5 lbs per week and try my best to meet that goal or at least meet my maintenance level calories. MFP really helps so that I can exercise without eating too little.
  • fpueblo
    fpueblo Posts: 241 Member
    You look like you need more weight. you should talk to your doctor. you should also make sure you are eating the calories you need to stay healthy. your doctor or a nutritionist can help with this.
  • 33nessy
    33nessy Posts: 104
    Thankyou for your honesty. i am concerned for you even though i dont know you. please go and talk to a doctor, you look too frail
  • CARNAT22
    CARNAT22 Posts: 764 Member
    Is this the same person who poster another thread yesterday "Is there such thing as being too thin?"
  • bruinjames
    no your not going mad it is the same person....
  • CARNAT22
    CARNAT22 Posts: 764 Member
    no your not going mad it is the same person....

    Thought as much!

    If the OP does need professinal help I hope she seeks it ASAP
  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    i think it's a great idea to call that number and just tell them your concerns. they probably have some really good advice and experience helping with people in all kinds of situations. hugs!
  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    I say go and see a dr or call the number taso provided. You certainly do not need to lose anymore weight. It is a good sign, in my opinion, that you are thinking about and concerned so you have identified the fact that there might be a problem. Talk to a dr, get some real medical advice and keep us posted. We are always here to support everyone. Good luck hun!
  • JennaLee1486
    JennaLee1486 Posts: 101 Member
    I think it's good that you realize you need to gain some weight. I find it sad that people on this post are being rude, while I agree that this isn't a success story, I also realize that you need support. You need to see a dr. and determine what a healthy weight is for your height and body type and then stick to that. I understand what it's like to have a distorted body image and how hard it is to see the numbers on the scale go up when all you really think you need is to be thinner. Focus on being healthy, not being skinny. Good luck.
  • schnarfo
    schnarfo Posts: 764 Member
    to be honest i think the bottom two photos are just because of the angle, to me you look healthy judging by the first photo. however eating disorders start in the mind so it all depends on your own perceptions.

    If i was you i would be aiming to maintain and be doing lots of strength training to see if toning your body/increasing muscle makes any difference.

    I slipped down to 103 around feb and I felt and looked fine for my 5'6 frame but i bet many people on here would disagree. Im currently trying to gain a little to get bk to around 110-112 (im 107 now) but i hate it and have to do it slowly with days where i maintain not gain and im trying to up my protein :D
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