
Just wondering how much you all try to watch your carbs.

I really don't watch them, but I am having some trouble losing and wonder if that might be why.

I <3 Carbs. :tongue:


  • DjBliss05
    DjBliss05 Posts: 682
    Just wondering how much you all try to watch your carbs.

    I really don't watch them, but I am having some trouble losing and wonder if that might be why.

    I <3 Carbs. :tongue:
  • teetsel4
    teetsel4 Posts: 288 Member
    Years ago I did the Adkins diet (which is horrible), but I did learn a lot about carbs. I do watch my carb intake more than anything else (other than calories). When I eat more carbs/sugars I do not loose weight at all. So here is what I do hope it helps.....

    I do not eat anything white, ie: white flour, white rice, sugar. I eat ONLY 100% whole grains. I do not buy any bread product unless is specifically says 100% whole grains. I eat fruits and veggies and lean meats. I keep the gains (brown rice, Oats, potatoes, whole wheat pastas, etc) to one meal a day.

    This might seem extreem to some and it did take me a while to get here. But it is so worth the journey. The second I don't eat this way I gain. And I am not always perfect, but now it has become my life style and is more the norm than not. So again, I hope that helps.

    p.s I :heart: carbs too! LOL

  • deneuve39
    I totally second everything teetsel4 said! Cutting out the bread that restaurants frequently give and eating salads instead of sandwiches has helped a lot. Especially with bagels and "asiago sourdough"-type breads there are just so many empty calories! If I eat pizza I don't eat the crust at all and try and order thin crust. I think carbs in and of themselves aren't the issue, it's more the way that the "white" (i.e. simple) carbs make your glucose levels spike up and then go down to below.

    Eating z bars or clif mini bars mid afternoon when I'm craving a muffin or bagel has really helped. They have carbs but also tons of fiber and protein which can prevent food cravings really well for me (plus they taste delicious!).

    Good luck!