Watermelon for bloating??

Cassia Posts: 467 Member
did i read somewhere that watermelon helps for bloating? i thought i did but i just ate a bunch of it and i feel worse than ever...:ohwell:


  • Cassia
    Cassia Posts: 467 Member
    did i read somewhere that watermelon helps for bloating? i thought i did but i just ate a bunch of it and i feel worse than ever...:ohwell:
  • klikittyklak
    Well it's filled with both water and sugar, so... I'm not really sure. I would think that drinking a lot of water will help.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    it always makes me pee like a racehorse-- go figure.
  • katyk08
    katyk08 Posts: 302
    Grapefruit is good for bloating!!!
  • Alisha28
    Alisha28 Posts: 406 Member
    Think they mean Watermelon Bloats you!!! It does me but I love it it makes me feel full............

  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    Ok, I have heard some crazy things about watermelon but not about eliminating bloating (but if you believe the hype it is supposed to help your man's sex drive :love: )

    Anyway here are some common and reliable ways to beat bloating.

    1. Increase your water intake, include plenty of juicy fruits and veggies (it does mention oranges and watermelon as two great options)

    2. Eat more fiber, fiber keeps everything going. A drastic increase in fiber can create constipation and bloating temporarily so increase your fiber in baby steps.

    3. Outsmart PMS...basically, less salt at least a week before cycle and it also helps to increase your calcium to at least 1000 mg at this time too!

    4. Plan for it, gas x and phazyme are great for breaking up gas bubbles that cause bloating but no antacids or bicarbonates or carbonates (this would include bubbly beverages!)

    5. Eat less gassy foods, beans and cruciferous veggies (celery, carrots, broccoli and the like) INstead of eating a cup eat 1./2 cup at a time.

    6. Move! get to walking, helps move gas through your bowels

    7. Do Dairy...wisely, temporarily cut back on dairy products and once the bloating is gone increase gradually back into your diet

    8. EAt slowly, big cause of bloating and gas is intake of too much air while eating or drinking in a hurry. YOu may not even realize you do it, make an effort to chew slowly and enjoy your meal.

    9. Go natural...peppermint is a great cure for upset stomach or bloating

    10. IF you take a lot of medicines or vitamins consider spreading them out through the day to avoid upset stomach and bloating.

    but please don't OD on the watermelon again :drinker:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Mango. The other day I was feeling bloated. Dont get that much as i went thru the change at 40. ( dont be hatin')

    Anyway-I had some really yummy mangos. the next day i felt a lot better. and i lost a pound!:bigsmile:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Mango. The other day I was feeling bloated. Dont get that much as i went thru the change at 40. ( dont be hatin')

    Anyway-I had some really yummy mangos. the next day i felt a lot better. and i lost a pound!:bigsmile:

    Oh, that's so unfair-- :tongue:

    I'm 44 and waiting!!! CHANGE ALREADY!!!