Two takes on the 100 workout

If you don't know what the original 100 workout is, just look it up on Google and I'm sure you'll find it. I wanted to post two variations of my own on it, and see if anyone is up to the challenges. :-)

Variation 1
100 jumping jacks
90 crunches
80 squats
70 leg lifts
60 jumping jacks
50 crunches
40 squats
30 leg lifts
20 push-ups
15 tricep dips
15 push-ups

So very similar to the original, just with the push-ups and such at the end. My time for this (on Tuesday morning) was about 16 min, not counting any stretching or warm-up/cool down.

Variation 2
100 jumping jacks
90 high knees (both knees up = 1 rep)
80 squats holding kettlebell in both hands
70 leg lifts (both legs = 1 rep)
60 mountain climbers (both legs = 1 rep)
50 backward lunges with kettlebell, rotating to front leg (both sides = 1 rep)
40 bicycle crunches
30 double hand swings with kettlebell
20 push-ups
15 tricep dips
10 push-ups

I use a 10 lb kettlebell, only because I'm pretty new to doing anything with weights. It's amazing how much harder even just 10 extra pounds makes those squats and lunges. My time for this today was 19:19. I think this is the one I'm going to stick with, and see if I can improve my time.

So, anyone else up to the challenge? I'd like to see how my times compare with everyone else.


  • healthysew
    healthysew Posts: 105 Member
    i would totally like to attempt this, im not sure i would get through much of it, but it would be a fun goal.

    ill try it tonight and see how i do!
  • sisterlilbunny
    sisterlilbunny Posts: 691 Member
    Bumping to save to my feed! This looks interesting!!
  • mattsdad1961
    mattsdad1961 Posts: 65 Member
  • mlsmathias
  • Flocker1979
    If you don't know what the original 100 workout is, just look it up on Google and I'm sure you'll find it. I wanted to post two variations of my own on it, and see if anyone is up to the challenges. :-)

    Variation 1
    100 jumping jacks
    90 crunches
    80 squats
    70 leg lifts
    60 jumping jacks
    50 crunches
    40 squats
    30 leg lifts
    20 push-ups
    15 tricep dips
    15 push-ups

    So very similar to the original, just with the push-ups and such at the end. My time for this (on Tuesday morning) was about 16 min, not counting any stretching or warm-up/cool down.

    Variation 2
    100 jumping jacks
    90 high knees (both knees up = 1 rep)
    80 squats holding kettlebell in both hands
    70 leg lifts (both legs = 1 rep)
    60 mountain climbers (both legs = 1 rep)
    50 backward lunges with kettlebell, rotating to front leg (both sides = 1 rep)
    40 bicycle crunches
    30 double hand swings with kettlebell
    20 push-ups
    15 tricep dips
    10 push-ups

    I use a 10 lb kettlebell, only because I'm pretty new to doing anything with weights. It's amazing how much harder even just 10 extra pounds makes those squats and lunges. My time for this today was 19:19. I think this is the one I'm going to stick with, and see if I can improve my time.

    So, anyone else up to the challenge? I'd like to see how my times compare with everyone else.

    I threw up from fatigue just reading this.:embarassed: :frown:
    RILEYRED Posts: 647 Member
  • sweetiepie31612
    sweetiepie31612 Posts: 240 Member
    definitely something i'd want to try
  • reallivefitness
    I threw up from fatigue just reading this.:embarassed: :frown:

    This made me lol hardcore :-P That's kind of what my roommates say when they see me working out at 6 am every day
  • reallivefitness
  • dab52776
    dab52776 Posts: 536 Member
  • Marjorielk
    Marjorielk Posts: 202 Member
  • missbrandyp
    missbrandyp Posts: 34 Member
    I'm all over this!
    Is this something you do daily?
  • dublvision2
  • reallivefitness
    I'm all over this!
    Is this something you do daily?

    This is something new for this week, but I'm planning on doing it every Tuesday/Thursday. Monday/Wednesday/Friday/Saturday I do a ballet workout followed by kettlebells.
  • LJV1031
    LJV1031 Posts: 502 Member
    I'd like to try it but although "can't" is an ugly word... I just can't seem to physically do push ups. I don't know if it is cuz I'm top heavy with "thin" arms or if it is in my head, but I try and try and fail and fail. *sigh*. Maybe I'll try again after work tonight... always up to a challenge. ^_^
  • reallivefitness
    I'd like to try it but although "can't" is an ugly word... I just can't seem to physically do push ups. I don't know if it is cuz I'm top heavy with "thin" arms or if it is in my head, but I try and try and fail and fail. *sigh*. Maybe I'll try again after work tonight... always up to a challenge. ^_^

    That's the spirit. :-) And, to be honest, I can't do normal push-ups either. I have to do them from my knees. When I'm doing them that way, I can get to just a few inches from the floor, but with normal push-ups I can only go down a few inches. Someday though...
  • LJV1031
    LJV1031 Posts: 502 Member
    Thanks for the support!!! Guess I'll be kicking my own butt sometime tomorrow morning! :wink:
  • missbrandyp
    missbrandyp Posts: 34 Member
    I think I'll try to do this as my before work workout! Fingers crossed I remember this in the morning!
  • JAG1224
    JAG1224 Posts: 191 Member
    bump :)
  • JAG1224
    JAG1224 Posts: 191 Member
    bump :)