Diet it really any good?

Jessk63 Posts: 51
edited September 26 in Food and Nutrition
I am soooooo hooked on Diet Pepsi and lots of other forms of diet soda....people tell me its so bad and worse then regular soda....will I be more successful in dieting if I just cut the habit and give up my favorite beverage?


  • stephfilako
    stephfilako Posts: 113 Member
    It is a hard habit to break! I have cut WAYYYYYY back! Im trying to include a LOT more water. For me I love the bubbles though. So sometimes I drink club soda and do pretty good. Im with ya! I'll quit with you if you like :)

  • moody1011
    moody1011 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm wokring with a nutritionist/dietician and she of all people doesn't have a problem with a can once a day...
  • Meganne1982
    Meganne1982 Posts: 451
    i love diet soda, but i'm pretty sure the aspartame will give me a tumor that will kill me one day. i've accepted my fate.
  • ksloop00
    ksloop00 Posts: 144
    I've cut out all pop, except diet coke ( I gotta have it) and I've lost 26 ibs in a month! The sodium is the only thing that's bad in diet pop. I also drink lots of water. But that's just me. Anything is fine in moderation. Hope I helped!
  • bmontgomery87
    bmontgomery87 Posts: 1,260 Member
  • jaylyn2004
    jaylyn2004 Posts: 8 Member
    i love my diet cokes. i drink 2 a day :( is my cheat. i am trying to cut to one a day. drinking tons of water :)
  • Jenn728
    Jenn728 Posts: 683 Member
    I cut out all soda. It wasn't easy but I've been 3 months without it and I've found some herbal teas I like to drink instead.
  • I'm a Diet Pepsi addict. However I'm now at 1-2 cans a day, but drink lots of water as well!! I've heard bad things about the aspertame, yada yada yada...I figure I've given up lots of stuff, if I can't have a yummy can of Diet Pepsi, than seriously just kill me now!!! :P
  • lrichardson2360
    lrichardson2360 Posts: 225 Member
    I don't drink any kind of soda anymore. It's a lifestyle choice, however I firmly believe in everything in moderation. Yes, the sodium is high in diet soda, but if you're only having one a day, I see no reason why you have to give it up.
  • elemstuck
    elemstuck Posts: 24
    Diet Mt. Dew is what gets me through the day. I usually drink at least one 24 oz. bottle and I have lost 17lbs in the past 7 weeks.
  • Leannek74
    Leannek74 Posts: 374 Member
    I loved my Diet Pepsi and Diet Dr Pepper. I drank about 1-3 cans a day and considered it my 'guiltless' treat.

    Then I stopped drinking it just to see what would happen. Well I went through some SERIOUS cravings, almost like quitting smoking...

    And then something magic happened...

    I began dropping my extra pounds, without any extra effort! Really, even my hubby noticed! I also feel less bloated and my joints aren't as stiff in the morning!

    Forget the science behind it, just try giving it up for a month... it's worth a try, and I for one will NEVER go back! I've been off it since October and will have a regular pop once in awhile (once a month or so) and feel great and lost 10 pounds beyond my original goal!
  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member
    I've cut out all pop, except diet coke ( I gotta have it) and I've lost 26 ibs in a month! The sodium is the only thing that's bad in diet pop. I also drink lots of water. But that's just me. Anything is fine in moderation. Hope I helped!

    Sodium is not the only thing...

    There are tons of terrible statistics against it, granted all statistics must be taken with a grain of salt, but thats not to say that the statistics are VERY VERY REAL.

    One thing I have read over and over again is that The chemicals in diet pop are a leading contributor to the fat around your mid section. having fat around your stomach is the most detrimental to your health. So by quitting diet pop you will quit contributing to the fat around your stomach.

    Its bad for you. Plain and simple. If you were to quit and break the addiction to the caffeine you will find that you don't really NEEEEED it. works that way with all addictions.
  • ChristineM1953
    ChristineM1953 Posts: 135 Member
    I rarely drink anything but water, and I don't even miss the soda now. I probably drink a diet coke about once a month with pizza now. You are better off without it! My vice is coffee - I gotta have at least once cup a day.
  • Becky1971
    Becky1971 Posts: 979 Member
    I'm in the process of cutting it out, I have before. SO right now, I have a diet caffeine soda every other day (this is a small fountain filled with ice first, it's just to help alleviate my headaches) and then I have a diet caffeine free every other day. I am convinced that my diet caffeine has been a huge factor in my struggles the last 6 months, since I went back to drinking it. I have many side effects from the caffeine, and ones from the aspartame, and some of them I don't know which is causing them.
  • keith0373
    keith0373 Posts: 2,154 Member
    i love diet soda, but i'm pretty sure the aspartame will give me a tumor that will kill me one day. i've accepted my fate.

    I share your fate!
  • Boladefuego326
    Boladefuego326 Posts: 143 Member
    I drink diet ginger ale possibly once every 3 days...I guess as long as you don't chug a can 3 times a day you're ok
  • kellykaye_xo
    kellykaye_xo Posts: 66 Member
    I think it's the aspartame that's really bad. Gives you some serious brain fog...

    I made a choice to give up diet sodas for the most part and try to stick with water. I wasn't getting my water in that I needed because I was always sipping diet coke. They are very addictive and hard to give up. I also gave up sugar at the same time I stopped diet coke and thought it was harder to give up diet cokes. After a while though water starts to taste better and you start to actually crave it....
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    A. Your body doesn't need the caffeine. The more caffeine you consume the more your body builds up a tolerance to the beneficial aspects (reduced hunger, increase in metabolism) and thee more it reacts to the negative effects (stress on the body increasing the production of cortisol).

    B. Artificial sweeteners are potentially dangerous. Even if they aren't, the brain treats them the same as it does natural sugar. That means that when you consume artificial sweetener your body still releases insulin which stops your body from burning fat and makes your liver and kidneys use sugar from your blood for energy instead. This can cause low blood sugar which will make you eat more.
  • Jennwith2ns
    Jennwith2ns Posts: 296 Member
    Even if just trying to cut out the diet soda to get rid of the Aspartame in your body is beneficial to you. That stuff is POISON. I felt like crap all the time until I quit diet/sugar-free/fat-free things loaded with the stuff.

    The first few days will be ROUGH. I felt awful like I was coming off of drugs or something. But then you start to feel so much better and realize how much it was affecting your overall health. SO glad I quit it. I will occasionally have a diet-something but I try really hard not to.
  • Yes very bad for you..your body doesn't know what to do the artificial sweeteners in the diet soda so it stores it is what I've read. People have actually gained weight drinking too much diet soda. Try this for one week-avoid all artificial sweeteners or any food or drinks that have them and I'll bet you lose weight. My daughter told me about the dangers of these sweeteners and I lost 5lbs by just not adding them to my coffee and I stopped drinking diet soda. I have taken to drinking ice water (this will boost your metabolism) with slices of cucumber. It sweetens the water naturally and is good for you.
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