Bikram Yoga

Hi all! Any bikram yoga friends out there?? I was just wondering how you track your exercise? I've just been using the Hatha yoga setting which gives me about 270 calories but a friend of mine was telling me that its closer to 600-800 because of the heat and your increased heart rate. I did some digging and found someone who told me that they used a heart rate monitor once and it was 776 for the 90 minutes. The reason I ask is that I'm kind of at a stand still with my weight loss....last 15 lbs to go and have been eating well and working out tons. I'm just wondering if maybe I'm not eating enough calories? Any ideas??


  • lisy28
    lisy28 Posts: 156 Member
    I love me some bikram!!! i used this calculator to work it out

    I havent lost anything in a while now either but everyone goes through the dreaded plateau stage so just keep at it and we are getting healthier anyway so wieght loss isnt the only benifit right!
  • lareyna124
    I heard you burn about 700 - 900 calories . Definitely not 200. Try adding some calories, maybe you're not eating enough . I'm dying to try Bikram Yoga,... probably will this weekend.
  • riveradee
    riveradee Posts: 40 Member
    thankyou for this calculator!! according to this i burn 1300 calories with bikram could this be true?? it sure feels like it!
  • thisisabbie
    thisisabbie Posts: 521 Member
    I use a HRM, and I was burning between 400 & 600 calories a session with Bikram. Many factors influenced that number, including the heat of the room and my energy levels on the day. Obviously each person would be different, depending on fitness level, weight etc.....

    (I'm 169cm, 90kg to give you an idea if you may be similar!)