
Hi all. I am Kristy from Arkansas and I am working on losing 50 lbs that I never got rid of after my pregnancy. I have done some dieting and some exercise during the past 5 years but I would say it all added up to less than 6 months. I am starting a new life after divorce as a single mom, with a fairly new office job I have always wanted, and a new beau. I am ready to feel good about myself again-like I did 6 years ago when I was 140 and 25. I try to take everyone's opinion into consideration so any advise/support will be greatly appreciated.


  • MochaMixAZ
    MochaMixAZ Posts: 844 Member
    Hi, Kristy! Welcome!! If you use this site, you'll come to love it - the people here are amazing.

    Congratulations on your "new life". It sounds like you've been through alot recently, and you're ready to take on the next chapter.

    My *only* caution to you is to not pin your feeling great on your weight alone - I worry when I think I hear people saying things like "When I get to my goal weight, I'll be happier..." or "If I could just lose the last 20 pounds, I'd be satisfied". (Not that that is what you said, but y'know, generalizing)

    From the bit your wrote, it sounds like you have lots of reasons to stay healthy - a new man and a new baby. So, I wish you the very best of luck - and encourage you to use the support you can find here to help. You can do it!