Hello :) Partly disabled and trying to get a healthier weigh

Hi, I'm Daria, 24 and I have knee/mobility problems. I used to cycle when I was younger, and a couple years ago I had further injuries that had me on crutches. After I recovered sufficiently I bought a new bike and rode it once and fell off. I've not been able to ride again, or find any decent exercise regimes that are helpful and kind on my knees.
Losing weight is something I really want to do because it would mean less stress on my knees and less health problems because I'd be able to walk around more. If I have to be disabled, I might as well be a healthy one.


  • Nbean24
    Nbean24 Posts: 14
    Have you tried swimming? I've heard its a great workout and easy on your body as far as your knees go.
  • marcussb
    marcussb Posts: 2
    Swimming is by far the best exercise, when it comes to low impact.
    I had my knees replaced a number of yeras ago and swimming played the main part in getting me back up to fitness during my hours and hours of physio.
    Plus its a great all over body conditioner.

    Good luck
  • erisfreenici
    erisfreenici Posts: 277 Member
    Hello! Well first, I'd start with losing weight via changes to the diet. MFP will recommend a calorie goal for you based on your weight lost goals. Stick to that and you will lose weight. Have you tried working out with an elliptical machine? The other thing you can try is swimming and water aerobics. Finally, you can start to do some weight training. I would focus on upper body exercises like bicep curls, chest presses, dumbbell rows etc. This will help you keep from losing muscle mass as you lose weight. Once you are lighter and stronger, talk to your doctor about adding lower body strength training.

    I hope this helps you.
  • jennro7781
    jennro7781 Posts: 208
    Hi! I'm disabled too. I have Fibrmyalgia and among other things I have injured my knees severely in the past; leaving me with bad knees. I find water aerobics to be a great workout and easy on my knees, back and muscles. I also do yoga which can sometimes bother my knees. Good luck in finding what works for you and feel free to add me as a friend if you would like!