Beginner Fitness/Workout DVD Suggestions?

I am new to MFP and trying to increase my exercise time and calorie burn. So far my exercise has consisted of moderate paced walking with my dog Sophie. I want to introduce some variety in my workout. I'm 50+, haven't worked out in a long time and I am looking for suggestions for a beginner level fitness DVD.


  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    Insanity :wink: jk - I have heard good things baout 30 day shred.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    Jillian Michael's Power Yoga has a beginner's one and more advanced. Also, she always shows you the more beginner moves. Yoga is the only exercise that rids your body of toxins!
  • dancingnancies
    dancingnancies Posts: 255 Member
    jillian michaels 30 days shred. level 1! goodluck!
  • tweety170
    tweety170 Posts: 167
    Slim in 6 would probably be good for you...or if you're religious at all, there's one called Body Gospel. :)
  • harvick29fan
    harvick29fan Posts: 28 Member
    I would agree with the 30 Day Shred
  • morefitmom
    morefitmom Posts: 264 Member
    If you have On Demand, there is a load of good things to try. Jillian Michaels Level 1 of the 30 day shred is on there until the end of the month. It is a great workout!
  • kasmir8199
    kasmir8199 Posts: 507 Member
    I'm a fan of anything Jillian! She IS tough, but she has someone showing modified versions of her exercises throughout the entire DVD (no matter which one you attempt). I love how she incorporates strength training and cardio in everything. You can definitely handle a Jillian will be sore (that's the good stuff...that's how you know it's working!), but your body will adapt. 30 Day Shred is popular; Ripped in 30 is great (very similar to Shred); Yoga Meltdown is awesome (you WILL be sweating!); Shred-It with Weights is good too (kettlebell training)...those are the ones I've tried. They're all 30 min workouts.

    Turbo Jam is a great series as well. Very enjoyable! You can get it on Amazon for cheaper rates. The workouts range from 20-45 mins long.

    I'm doing the TurboFire series right now with has more intense cardio conditioning than Turbo Jam, but Chalene Johnson keeps it fun and keeps you motivated. The nutrition plan features tasty, easy-to-make recipes as well. The workouts range from 10 - 60 minutes. The shorter ones are usually combined with other short ones (i.e. you may have an intense 15 min HIIT class combined with a 30 min tone class).

    Best of Luck with whatever you try!
  • mimi2kk
    mimi2kk Posts: 75 Member
    Thanks so much for the info! I do have on-demand but never really look at it. . .came with the package. Anyway, I figured out how to use it yesterday (after much trial and error) and tried the workout. So glad it was in the privacy of my own home!!! It was not a pretty site and I felt like jelly afterwards. But this morning I had a much easier time with day 2! Still having a little trouble keeping up with Anita but I'll persevere and and keep trying.