New to calorie tracking - HELP

Hi everyone!

My name is Kim and I'm a 41 year old soon to be married for the first time frustrated dieter. I don't actually know if it's a diet were all on but rather a healthy lifestyle change. I need some serious advice and tips on how to get this scale to move. I originally started doing WW (I've lost 35 pounds) but with the recent change in their program I lost interest. Some one at work suggested I track calories and exercise and I have been doing that on another site but really have not had much success. I keep losing the same 3-4 pounds over and over. I exercise 4-5 per week (water aerobics, general aerobics, zumba) drink my water and track the calories and exercise and still I remain here...frustrated and self destructive.

I know there are so many of you out here on these boards that are going through what I am or have gone through it and succeeded in the end, so if you can help me reach my goal I would so appreciate it.

Thanks to all!


  • sixpacking
    sixpacking Posts: 148 Member
    everything comes down to the final numbers, there must be a deficit, not just in calories, but also in fat. You must choose smart carbs too. Watch sugar, not just sugar from sweets, but sugar from natural foods. When trying to loose weight, these are the keys to getting the weight down, aside from doing cardio and resistance training. Good luck.