New to Myfitnesspal

Hi all, my name is Janet and I am new to the "Myfitnesspal" group. Have been on this for a week and feeling pretty good. Still trying to work the calorie, fat, carb, protein thing, but I'm sure I will get it. Working out every day after work, so hopefully, this will be my new way of life. I don't want to consider myself on a "diet", but to change the way I think and eat. And to also change the way I think about working out. I never cared for it, but I have joined a gym that has been very supportive and the atmosphere is excellent.

My goal is to lose 50 lbs.

At this stage of my life, I'm sure I will succeed.



  • Carmendu
    Carmendu Posts: 409
    Hi! Great to have you here. Feel free to friend me if you like. i hope you have great success while you are here.
  • janitsio
    janitsio Posts: 8
    Thanks Carmendu. I appreciate that. I like the quote as well.