Hi I am New Sort of...

Hi My name is Z I joined in Feb I lost I gained. I have been real serious the last couple of weeks and decided to jump in with both feet. I am a stay at home mom of 3 under 3 a a singleton and a set of twins. I am looking for online support and encouragement. i hope to find it. I also plan to try the insanity workout starting this Monday! What do I have to loose but a couple lbs? I wish everyone on here success a healthy lifestyle is hard!




  • stateofgrace20
    Well hi! I am a newlywed 23 year old trying to lose my "happy cow" weight (as my grandmother so kindly put it). I've started exercising every day, with special workouts on M,W,and F. I don't know if I could join you for "insanity workouts" but I plan to start Tae Bo next week :-) I would love to have a friend on here so we could encourage each other!