Walking on air.

RajwaJ Posts: 191 Member
edited September 26 in Motivation and Support
I've been walking to work and back since the beginning of February. Thats 40 mins in the morning and 40 mins home in the evening. When I started I would wake up in the morning, think about walking, groan and have to force myself out the door. I felt more like I was stomping then walking.

After a fortnight it didn't feel like so much effort in the morning but the walk home felt like forever.

By the beginning of March I started to feel light on my feet. I was walking not stomping any more. This made a big difference to how tired and achy my feet were by the end of the day.

Today while I was walking home it suddenly occurred to me that I was almost skipping home and I had reached the bottom of my road before I even knew it. Looking back to just a few months ago the difference is huge.

It is also changing my body shape. My legs are more toned, my stomach is smaller and tighter and my hips are getting smaller. Who would think just a small change of walking to work instead of driving could make such a change to my health.

Its so simple, cost free and quite relaxing. I would recommend walking to anyone.


  • FatUncleRob
    FatUncleRob Posts: 341
    Well done! I'm sure 80 minutes of exercise every day makes a HUGE difference. :happy:
    Keep up the good work.
  • HotSouthernMess
    HotSouthernMess Posts: 474 Member
    thats awesome!! i wish i worked closer to home so i could walk (im about 32 miles away). good for you and congrats on the progress :smile:
  • amelia_atlantic
    amelia_atlantic Posts: 926 Member
    Good for you! It's such a great feeling! Some days are harder than others to get up and go but once you're out and the birds are chirping, your attitude changes.

    I had a similar revelation at the begining of the week. I was walking to and from work ( a little under 2 miles each way) before winter. Then, a classic New England winter hit and I was driving again.

    I recently started walking again and I realized this time last year, it was taking me ten minutes longer to walk the same distance!
  • Windi38
    Windi38 Posts: 164 Member
    It's amazing isn't it? Since moving to Kansas, I've taken up walking the dogs at the off-leash dog park near our home. It's really big, and has some nice wooded trails as well as open areas to walk the dogs. When I first started going, it was real work walking one time around the park on the inner trail, which isn't even a mile total. But now, a year later, it's not a 'real' walk unless we go at least 2 times around the wooded trail, which is about 2.5 miles!

    I can't say I noticed a difference in my fit level, but I CAN say that it's probably what has helped get me started on my journey to being more fit and wanting to get back into shape, because it was a real eye opener to me how hard it was to walk the dogs for 3/4 of a mile! And man, do I feel ever so much better mentally on the days I get out there and walk with the dogs!
  • RajwaJ
    RajwaJ Posts: 191 Member
    But it has improved your fitness in a way if you have to walk twice around it now. You'll be going round it four times before you even realise. Even the smallest thing makes a difference.
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