Having a Cheat day

I have been working out relentlessly (7 Days a week) in preperation for my stint with the Army. Being 30 years old makes it a little more difficult to keep up with the kids. I have what I consider to be a decent diet. (Check out my regime if you like). What I am curious about is having a "cheat" day. Should one really have a cheat day? Or is it better to just stick to the diet and excercise every week. I am worried mostly about my will power. I love working out and I love eating healthy, but sometimes cravings reign supreme. Thanks in advance for any advice.


  • beckyburke
    I like to think that occasionally it's okay to have a "cheat meal". I think if I had a cheat day I would eat way too many calories and feel bad afterwards, but having a cheat meal is like a nice little reward for all your hard work :] That's just me personally
  • Melissajojo3
    you can most definitly have a cheat day, just make sure you don't exceed in calories, like lets ay for example you want to eat pizza, you can eat it but don't eat about 4 or 5 slices, just limit yourself to 1 or 2 slices
  • GinaSmash
    GinaSmash Posts: 37 Member
    I actually had a cheat weekend last weekend. I started a new more vigorous routine of 2 a days 3 times a week.

    Set a new goal after your cheat day. I believe as long as you log your food, you are good to go. The food log doesn't lie. Check mine out for last weekend.
  • fsugirl26
    fsugirl26 Posts: 207
    I think having a cheat day occasionally actually helps, because it confuses your metabolism. Your metabolism quickly adapts to your diet/workout routines, so it's a good idea to throw it off and keep it guessing. Plus it's nice to have foods we normally won't allow ourselves to eat :)
  • alb_photog
    alb_photog Posts: 110 Member
    I totally think its OK to have a cheat day/ meal. That way your body gets used to the "attack" of fat or sugar intake. I like to have a treat on Sundays.
  • MisMolly
    MisMolly Posts: 88 Member
    Idk about this one...I was in the habit of allowing myself a cheat day, but the last few times I took one I ended up eating way too much, not because I really wanted everything I ate, but because I was allowed to. Then I felt gross and guilty and generally not good. For me, it just doesn't work too well. I think it is better not to think of it as being on a diet or not being allowed to have things, but to work them in to your day. If you are going to eat lasagna and birthday cake tonight, go easy on the rest of the day or bump up your exercise.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    Everyone is different. Some people are like alcoholics when it comes to food ... they can't just have one "off" day or even one "off" meal. If they stray from their plan at all, they fall off the wagon completely. Others are able to have a cheat day or a cheat meal and get right back on track.

    Some people even look at in terms of calories. If you can eat a "cheat meal" and still stay within your daily calorie limits, then you're fine. But if you're going over, then you're "cheating yourself." There really is no right or wrong answer to this question. You just have to figure out what works for you.

    One thing that I think is key is figuring out what your motivation to "cheat" is. If it's to satisfy your cravings so that you don't go nuts and end up on a week-long junk food bender, then I think it's perfectly fine. But if you have a day where you feel really stressed or depressed about something and you think "I'll do a cheat day today," that's probably not going to work out well in the end.

    If you do decide to have a cheat day, my one piece of advice is be structured about it. Structure and habit are key to long-term success. Pick a day of the week, and make that your cheat day EVERY WEEK. Don't move it around or split up 3 different cheat meals throughout the week. That makes it way too easy to cheat more than you should.
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    i think the occasional cheat day is absolutely fine as long as you dont go mental about it, but to go a few hundred over one day a week or one day a fortnight isnt going to hamper your weightloss noticeably.
    Id say it would probably be beneficial because its more likely to keep you doing it long term if you give yourself a break now and again.
  • Rebeccasluckyduck
    Rebeccasluckyduck Posts: 168 Member
    Last Friday I had a pretty bad day as far as how much I ate...but Saturday I had an AWESOME run. I think a lot of it had to do with what I ate on Friday. So I've decided to give my self a little break on Fridays (maybe not as bad as last week :blushing: ) so I have an easier run on Saturdays.

    Just do what works for you.
  • megz4987
    megz4987 Posts: 1,008 Member
    Rather than a cheat DAY I allow myself a cheat snack or cheat meal once a week. I don't think you should deprive yourself completely of everything sweet and greasy :) Even if its once a month, you look forward to it and hold out for it (usually)
  • dave4d
    dave4d Posts: 1,155 Member
    I had a cheat meal yesterday. I ate 5 pieces of pizza, a bavarian donut, and a candy bar. I still weighed the same this morning, as I did yesterday. Once in a while they are ok. Just don't overdo them.
  • susu5
    susu5 Posts: 122
    I had a cheat meal --barbequed ribs 1/4 of a rack and baked potato and homade bread with cinimon butter. Yum! The next day ASAP I was back to my usual cereal and almond milk and 1200 - 1300 calorie daily eatting. I lost two pounds in the next week. I couldn't beleive it so now I do.