why have i not lost weight??



  • Shunhades
    Shunhades Posts: 16
    It maybe that you have lost weight but gained it in terms of muscle mass (if your exercising). One of the things alot of people don't understand when they start is they may not lose the weight in terms of the scale. But in terms of measurement. I have my times where even though i'm exercising on a daily basis the scale number isn't going down, but when I measure my waist, hips and neck I see the results.

    For some people the weight number won't go down immediately then suddenly drop. For others it drops as they go along. And there are even people where it won't drop at all but their measurements are getting smaller. The best thing you can do is keep up on eatting healthy. Exercise. Make sure your eatting atleast 1200 calories per day. And measure yourself about 1 time every 1 or 2 weeks. Sometimes the results aren't immediate, and you just need to have patience, even though it's frustrating.
  • Mimishadows
    Mimishadows Posts: 8 Member
    Ah i didn't know about the public diary just set mine to public haha. Oh and 7 days is not very long just keep at it i'm sure you will lose some!
  • Marcus_E
    Marcus_E Posts: 124
    Don't be dismayed. Remember that most things in life that are achievable are never instant. By following it for a week you are already showing your determination. It's difficult to truly see results within a week, remember your body is going through a change - sometimes it can be quick but more than often it takes a little while to give it a kickstart.

    Stick within your calories, add in some exercise (cardio & strength) and you'll see it drop. Just take your time and keep your head up high and focused.. We're all here to help each other :) Good luck, you're doing well anyway :)
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