Stomach exercises

Hi. I really need advice on exercises to get rid of my gut. I seem to be losing weight from everywhere else! Preferably things I can do at home...
At the moment I try to do a wee bit of cycling and/or step almost every night but its not working. I've been looking at getting a slendertone belt - do they work?


  • modernmom70
    modernmom70 Posts: 373 Member
    Unfortunately the only thing you can do is keep losing weight and the fat will come off. You can not spot reduce fat, you can create muscle though. Tummies are usually the last to go!
  • KellyEsparza
    Cardio - but yes the tummy is a tough spot.
  • Shweedog
    Shweedog Posts: 883 Member
    Unfortunately the only thing you can do is keep losing weight and the fat will come off. You can not spot reduce fat, you can create muscle though. Tummies are usually the last to go!

    Agreed. Spot reducing just isn't possible. Fat comes off where it wants to come off. People lose it in different areas first. Unfortunately mine usually starts in the chest region.
  • Setof2Keys
    Setof2Keys Posts: 681 Member
    agree...but you can strengthen your core w/ planks easy and no equipment. i find core strengthening pulls my waist line in a bit.
  • emilylaura7
    One exercise you can do to help the lower part of your abs/stomach is lay on the floor; lift your legs straight up in the air (to where youre in an L shape) and lift your butt of the floor and then lower it...but dont slam it back down, or you'll hurt your back. it's like a crunch for your lower abs. (and it's alot harder to do that you might think!) Do 12 reps at a time-or work up to 12-15 at a time, a few times a day. :)
  • tejoman
    tejoman Posts: 12
    For most of us the mid-section is the first place the fat goes on, and the last place it comes off. To get good looking abs it's about 95% cardio and nutrition and 5% ab exercises. If you get you body-fat % down to about 6% and do ab exercises here and there you will likely have pretty good looking abs.

    For actual ab exercises nothing is better than straight crunches, but here's a link to an awesome ab workout
  • JJHudgens
    JJHudgens Posts: 96 Member
    Keep up with core exercises as well, it will help. And I echo the others, tummies are just a hard spot! Grrr, I'm struggling with the same! Heck in the beginning, I stated, "I'll keep the pudgy arms and legs, just get rid of my stomach!" It has reduced, but still my problem area. So be it, I keep on trucking! Just do the same! Planks are a good core those in your routines. (Youtube them if you're not sure what they I wasn't either when I first learned of them.) Good luck! :)
  • traymast
    traymast Posts: 23
    I bet your stomach was the first place you it will be the last place you least thats the case with me...I'm trying to stay patient..I want it gone!!
  • fasttrack27
    fasttrack27 Posts: 324
    Watch you sugar and carb intake - these tend to directly affect the tummy area. Maybe ramp up the intensity and duration of your workouts?
  • maureenB7
    maureenB7 Posts: 55 Member
    My trainer has me do "chin sit ups" Lay on your back, knees bent,, arms bent out to the side with hands by your ears( > shape) Lift your chin to the ceiling 20 -25 times, DON'T pull your head up with your hands. It has really helped my abs. You can also do this with your legs straight up in the air, or straight out flat on the floor. It really helps strengthen your abs and burn fat. Another good at home thing is and aerobic dance videos. Zumba is my fav, you can burn a lot of calories and fat! Good luck!
  • JPayne53
    JPayne53 Posts: 235 Member
    If you think of your stomach in layers, this is how you can picture it... skin.. fat.. muscle.. guts... When you do a core exercise you are strengthening/building the muscles making them firmer but fat burn is minimum some tightness will occur but probably not the solution you are looking for... so how do you see the tight muscles under the fat... CARDIO!! It is the only proven exercise [type] that will burn rapid amounts of fat calories in a short period of time with constancy ... so cardio will help get rid of the layer that is keeping you from seeing those nice sculpted strong abs.
  • PirateJenny
    PirateJenny Posts: 233
    I would add some strength training if your routine is all cardio. The combination will help build and tone muscle and can boost your cardio routine if you stick with it.

    While spot reduction is not possible, you can tone the muscle under the fat. Having a strong midsection (core) also helps with running, hiking, biking and other exercises.

    That whole region (from below chest to the hips) can be a pain. I am showing definition in my shoulders, arms and legs but am still pretty blobby around my waist and belly. It takes time and sustained effort.

    Good luck and keep up the great work!
  • MichaelSena12
    Hanging Leg Raises
    Ab Wheel Rolls (from toes or knees)
    Pallof Presses
    Dumbbell Windmills
    Stabilization Ball Rolls
  • GoldenGirl1979
    GoldenGirl1979 Posts: 716 Member
    Jillian Michael's posted this on fb the other day:

    Smart Tip: Six pack abs aren't about crunches. You CAN NOT spot reduce fat. The best way to get a washboard tummy is by burning the fat off on top of the muscle with a combination of diet, cardio, & over all core based functional training. For example try moves like mountain climbers, jumping jacks with high kicks, lunge with rotation etc. These moves are dynamic (burn lots of cals) & condition abs at the same time.