Dieting for College Students!!



  • JD92
    JD92 Posts: 253 Member
    im on a 3 week break from school now for Easter (it should have been mid-semester, but Easter came really late) and i am struggling to stay within my calories everyday!

    when im up in the dorms, i find it so much easier to eat less because if i want something, i have to cook it or go out and buy it. so i generally stuck to smaller dinners that were easier to make. at home, its alot harder, with proper big homemade meals, take-outs and binge-eating with my sister at night. gah

    i was doing so well today, then dad came home from work with 2 dominoes pizzas. and i polished one off... :embarassed:

    i have exams coming up in may, so i can totally see stress-eating becoming a problem!
  • skylar1907
    skylar1907 Posts: 156
    destress for finals/midterms & gain calories at the same time - every 60-90 minutes get up and take a 15 minute walk around your building/up and down stairs. Log your exercise & return to your studies with a clearer mind.

    Also, on exam days take the time to make an omelete or eat yogurt - proteins to keep your mind working through the morning/day - avoid sugary cereals or breakfast bars. your brain needs protein!

    good study foods: rice cakes, fresh veggies (baby carrots are awesome), WATER, raisins, clean fruits like grapes, apple slices, bananas (non-sticky stuff), nuts

    try packing some study snacks into the mini-snack bags Ziploc makes and keep yourself to 1 mini snack bag for each hour of studying. if your snacks are healthy you'll do well on your finals & keep from binging too!
  • misjesica
    misjesica Posts: 21
    Skylar those are great tips! Thank you so much :D

    Hope studying is going well for everyone!