So, I know we're supposed to eat breakfast...



  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Working out in a fasted state burns more fat. If you eat afterwards (even if it's 1 pm), it's still considered breakfast, because you are breaking your fast. Don't be confined by the cultural "breakfast, lunch, dinner". Eat when you're truly hungry, avoid eating when you're not.
  • elliecolorado
    elliecolorado Posts: 1,040
    I personally can't do a good workout if I don't eat something first. When I do morning workouts I usually eat something small like an apple before I workout, just a little something to give my body some fuel to get through the workout then I either eat breakfast after or a protein shake.
  • jhaugdc
    jhaugdc Posts: 3 Member
    Dyann, first things first---exercising before breakfast you actually burn more if you exercise before you eat but the key is then you must eat! Doctors orders!!! Breakfast should be the biggest meal of the day that way you have the rest of the day to use them and burn them rather than eating more later on in the day because there isn't enough time left to use and burn them like there would be if you had a bigger meal first thing. If you dont like breakfast foods then just snack on high fiber foods such as apples, nuts are good too. if you want to continue to lose then the key to continue losing is eating breakfast, or several smaller meals throughout the day that way you keep your metabolism boosted. and did i mention doctors orders?!?!?!:wink:
  • mia_1980
    mia_1980 Posts: 21 Member
    :smile: wow i forgot how great this site is. I have benefited from all the advise even though i didnt ask the question. Thanks everyone
  • lisa35120
    lisa35120 Posts: 230 Member
    I never used to eat breakfast, but started to a couple months ago. I've found that eating breakfast helps me to think more clearly throughout the day. I usually try to eat either oatmeal or yogurt with fruit. It isn't much but it's enough to get me going! Also I don't eat right when I wake up. I'm usually running out the door to work.. so I eat at my desk about a half hour after I get to work.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,247 Member
    But I don't want too! I know it gets our metabolism up and running and that's a good thing and that I want. But, I wonder if I exercise first thing in the morning, doesn't that get my metabolism started too? Couldn't I eat later in the morning but already have my metabolism burning because of exercise? I'm just not a morning eater and I'm not a fan of breakfast foods. I'd rather have coffee and then eat around 10am or 11am. I'd also rather save those calories for later in the day when I know I'll be hungry.

    So, what do you think? Would this way be acceptable do you think? Thanks! :glasses:

    In my opinion breakfast is whatever meal breaks your overnight fast. It can be first thing in the morning or much later. In fact the approach your will find at takes this approach to eating having people extend their overnight fast to noon or 1PM or so, then eating all their calories in the time remaining in the day. This takes advantage of some of the benefits of intermittent fasting, and still has you eating every day and eating all your calories. I prefer the Eat Stop Eat approach, but both have their pluses.
  • lynz4589
    lynz4589 Posts: 389 Member
    I dont normally eat breakfast but I hired a personal trainer this week and he gave me some extra tips after the gym session - He said without a doubt if you do nothing else make sure you eat a breakfast. Im not keen on it myself and Im really going to have to force myself this week but will hopefully show good results in a few weeks!!
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    just listen to your own body. If you dont feel like eating, dont forcefeed yourself. Break the fast when youre ready to, and if thats at 10 or 11 am then so be it.
  • mackeyj
    mackeyj Posts: 11 Member
    Unfortunately, I cannot find the article; however, you should be eating within 30 minutes of getting up in the morning.

    Fortunately I can find an article(s) supporting the opposite and giving the benefits to intermitten fasting.—to-feast-or-not-to-feast-an-interview-with-martin-berkhan/

    also not to mention the warrior diet.

    In the end its what works for you, figure out what works best and keep with it.
  • mkennedym
    mkennedym Posts: 253 Member
    it doesn't matter when you eat your calories. eating breakfast doesn't boost your metabolism. if you don't like eating breakfast, don't force yourself to eat it. just eat at other times.