God I wish I had some girl friends to talk to



  • KristenAnn711
    We all experience that from time to time.... hang in there girl.... you have us.

  • carrie_lebel
    I am in big rapids, mi. Home of ferris state university. I wish I could move closer to my family in Lansing/ Jackson.
  • blueeyedtraveler
    blueeyedtraveler Posts: 209 Member
    I feel like this today also - missing my niece's 10th birthday - all my family is in Australia and I'm in the states (NJ)

    Wow that's really far!

    Not feeling so bad that my boyfriend is on the other side of the country. I don't think I could live 1/2 a world away from my family. That's got to be so hard on you!

    I'm in Farmington Hills (for all the Michiganders)
  • Suzannejl
    Suzannejl Posts: 212
    Southern Louisiana. My family is all back in Michigan. :sad: :sad: :brokenheart:

    I'm from Michigan, married a miltary man, lived in Louisiana, and now he's medically retired so we live in Nebraska! I too miss my good friends and family back in Michigan, but alas there's no economy. :-( And all the other friends I have made all over the world.

    I agree the best way to make friends is get involved! Don't be shy, go up and introduce yourself. If at first you don't find your new BFF, try try again! I love FaceBook so I can keep up with the "old" ones.

    Another thing I like to do is invite everyone I know over for potluck brunches, or bunco, or meet at a restaurant for brunch. Then they make new friends too, or you can ask them to bring a friend too!

    Good Luck!
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    I understand
    Since I moved away 5 years ago I still don't have any REAL close friends, just work friends and acquaintences.
    My life is work and home, that's it, haven't gone "out" in 5 years, and it does suck having nobody to talk to.
  • Suzannejl
    Suzannejl Posts: 212
    Southern Louisiana. My family is all back in Michigan. :sad: :sad: :brokenheart:

    I'm from Michigan, married a miltary man, lived in Louisiana, and now he's medically retired so we live in Nebraska! I too miss my good friends and family back in Michigan, but alas there's no economy. :-( And all the other friends I have made all over the world.

    I agree the best way to make friends is get involved! Don't be shy, go up and introduce yourself. If at first you don't find your new BFF, try try again! I love FaceBook so I can keep up with the "old" ones.

    Another thing I like to do is invite everyone I know over for potluck brunches, or bunco, or meet at a restaurant for brunch. Then they make new friends too, or you can ask them to bring a friend too!

    Good Luck!
    p.s. I'm going to my first Zumba class tonight! lol
  • carrie_lebel
    My rant........ I figured well my hubbie pointed out, that in my town that certain teams pretty much recruit good soccer players (5-7year olds) to be on certain teams on the city's kindergarten-1st soccer league. And guess what my son's team is awful, he doesn't care he still trips over the ball. Guess they don't care if teams are fair and kids have a good time. To top it off one of the good team coaches is my neighbor . I guess he doesn't want to coach my untalented son That is what kind of town we live in. A sports obsessed/ PTA mother's clique town. Ahhhh I feel better.
  • ebgbjo
    ebgbjo Posts: 821 Member
    Completely understand- Currently living in MA and all my family is in Ohio, husbands family in South Dakota...been here almost 7mths and just NOW starting to meet a few people but not really a group of girls to hang out with to shop and just talk
  • ejohndrow
    ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member
    Man I feel the same way. My friends and family are in ut tx & az while I`m ne. Furthermore I`m at a job where only 4 of about 45 of us are female and I`m older than everyone by at least a few years and sometimes by 10 years even.
  • cuz86
    cuz86 Posts: 45 Member
    hey check out meetup.com great site to meet new girlffirends i joined a girls only group and have met lots of great girls...they have meetups all over the world so there must be some where you are from :)
  • blueeyedtraveler
    blueeyedtraveler Posts: 209 Member

    p.s. I'm going to my first Zumba class tonight! lol

    My addiction! I go 4 times a week!
  • Eskimopie
    Eskimopie Posts: 235 Member
    I feel ya...moved 300 miles away from all my college friends :( and I'm introverted (at first) so I have a hard time meeting new people I connect with...thank goodness for books and my boyfriend.
  • dayleparks
    dayleparks Posts: 9 Member
    It's not an immediate solution, but one way I have expanded my social circle is thru meetup.com. It's not about dating, it's about making friends where you live with people of similar interests. For instance, I belong to a group that does live figure drawing. Most groups are free, and it's an easy way to meet new people and perhaps build a girlfriend support system into your current life in Louisiana.
  • KristenAnn711
    It's not an immediate solution, but one way I have expanded my social circle is thru meetup.com. It's not about dating, it's about making friends where you live with people of similar interests. For instance, I belong to a group that does live figure drawing. Most groups are free, and it's an easy way to meet new people and perhaps build a girlfriend support system into your current life in Louisiana.

    I'll have to try that one. It makes me feel better that so many of you are going through the same things I am.
  • ejohndrow
    ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member
    yeah I guess for me its more friends in general I want not just female but I`m moving in May anyway so I figure who cares now. I`ll just start over there.
  • SweetTooth68
    SweetTooth68 Posts: 169 Member
    I will have to check out meetup also - I thought it was just for posting about events!