How is everyone doing with their goals

hi, I just signed up yesterday and am loving this. I have a very type A personality so being able to record and chart is perfect. For those of you that have been here how are you doing? Do you enjoy having this kind of resource at your fingertips? Do you find it helps? Hope to meet some great people and LOSE WEIGHT!!


  • copperdave
    copperdave Posts: 146
    Absolutely! Helps when you "see" what you're eating.
  • elliecolorado
    elliecolorado Posts: 1,040
    I love love love this site. I have made great friends and it is a great place to get motivation and support, it helps a lot to have people to talk to who are in the same position you are in. Seeing everyone elses updates about food and working out totally keeps me going on days that I just don't feel like it. Feel free to add me as a friend. Good luck!
  • MidniteDayDream
    MidniteDayDream Posts: 142 Member
    This site has been amazing for me! It really helps me to keep from over eating. I'm actually measuring out what I eat now and making the right choices when I snack. And being able to log my exercises has helped so much too. I can see on what days I have more wiggle room and how much I have. And the support, on the forums and through friends on here, is just absolutely amazing. I know I wouldn't be doing as well as I am without this site.

    edit: anyone can feel free to add me as a friend for more support
  • monkeybuttsmommy
    monkeybuttsmommy Posts: 343 Member
    This site has been a godsend! It makes tracking calories a cinch and it keeps me accountable not to mention how great the people are. I reached my first goal of 10 pounds in 30 days! I am working on 20 by the next 30 days. I have lost 2 inches off my waste! Its been wonderful.
  • forty3fab
    forty3fab Posts: 148 Member
    I love it! This is the best resource and the community support is fantastic! I am still learning everything myself and trying to find what works best for me, but I do love it! Welcome! Feel free to add me if you want!!

    Oh, and if that is your dog in your profile pic, love that too! I love big dogs!
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    I was a month ahead of schedule but then I hit a plateau that lasted a little over 3 weeks. Last weigh-in I was losing again, but we'll see what the overall trend looks like over this next month. :)

    My goals are in my signature.

  • FeeMcHenry
    FeeMcHenry Posts: 2 Member
    I'm new to the site, just a little over a week. I'm encouraged with watching my daily goals being accomplished. I'm down 8lbs and that is an accomplishment.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Pretty happy, I have to say!
    I hit my first goal of losing 10kg today! (that's 22 pounds in the old money)
    I find that writing down what I eat really helps with accountability - I don't want to record 200+ cals of chocolate, so I don't eat it. However, I do eat cake or desserts now and again and really haven't changed my main meals much - mostly reduced portion sizes as my meals are usually reasonably healthy anyway. Cutting out snack binges is probably my most significant change.
    Welcome aboard and good luck in your journey.
  • shreddingit
    shreddingit Posts: 1,133 Member
    This is a nice site for motivation but theres always the negative nellies aroung, stay focused and do ur homework!! Plenty of bad advice here
  • mjemerson
    mjemerson Posts: 141
    I love it! This is the best resource and the community support is fantastic! I am still learning everything myself and trying to find what works best for me, but I do love it! Welcome! Feel free to add me if you want!!

    Oh, and if that is your dog in your profile pic, love that too! I love big dogs!

    Yeah that is my boy Obi. He ate our dinner for us tonight. Had some chicken breasts defrosting on our island and he jumped up there and ate 4 of the 5. Needless to say husband had to make a stop at the store on the way home!
  • hairspray74
    I absolutely love this site! I even had my sister, bro-in-law, cousin, & hubby start one too!!! I have lost almost 30 lbs and I know that I couldn't have done it without myfitnesspal!! welcome! you or anyone can add me!
  • SiltyPigeon
    SiltyPigeon Posts: 920 Member
    I've been here since January 15th (my Birthday). My goal was 32 lbs lost by summer. As of today I've lost 31 out of 32 of those! Yay! 1 more pound to go!!!
  • kissmyalcaba
    I am always on the hubby is a work-a-holic and it's rubbed off on me. Now, I have been a member for a week and I already feel better, I have more energy, and I have lost 3 pounds in 6 days without starving myself or doing anything extreme. Just cardio and logging everything I consider eating. I just love the phone app because I can log-in anytime on the go. I have not been measuring my inches, but I know visibly something happened in a week because two people commented on my weight loss. I am so excited about the future.
  • Majunta
    Majunta Posts: 575
    Love MFP:smile: ! I've been on MPF for 31 days and have lost 14 lbs. I began my journey back in October with exercise and it was a slow 5 month weight loss (25lbs). Joined MFP, started using the food tracker and WaLa....the weight is falling off! Feel free to friend me for support and motivation!
  • HealthiHannah
    HealthiHannah Posts: 182 Member
    I think the best part is that I feel like I have my own cheerleaders. I know that sounds silly, but meeting small goals you have a group of people saying "way to go, great job!". They get in your head and it helps keep ya going....

    Having said that, I have only been here for 10 days, and have already lost 3+lbs (my weigh in is tomorrow).

    I'm not so much a type A, but its hard for me to understand what I'm putting in and how much I'm exherting without seeing it all written down. So, I am loving the tracking they have!
  • hezzie7
    hezzie7 Posts: 8
    This site is awesome! You will be surprised to see where your calorie overload was coming from and it really has helped me. I like how it is broken down so you can see calories consumed at each meal and your snacks. That has helped me be more aware that I need to increase my intake earlier in the day. I had lost a lot of weight on Weight Watchers and journaling your food intake is what makes you successful on that program too. I like the added feature of weighing in and using it as a reminder that last week was better then this week but that nice little dip on my record reminds me that I have had success already and am due for it to drop down again soon. Good luck and make sure you log honestly what you are eating.
  • kissmyalcaba
    Okay, went to the doctor today and could not believe that the last time I was there I was like 11 pounds heavier. I was just there 8 weeks ago, so I was happy to see that even fully dressed I was 11 pounds lighter. It is an amazing feeling to know that you are losing weight and not starving yourself in the process. And, I am having fun working out too. I can not believe I have been this heavy for the last 6 years.
  • OhSnaps
    OhSnaps Posts: 25
    I've always had trouble losing weight, but since joining the site and using the food tracker, I can finally see what I had been doing wrong. Writing everything down, the food, the workouts, really help out. Plus the success stories are great motivation tools.
  • xxx29
    xxx29 Posts: 60 Member
    You could entitle this, "Severely Motivated".

    I was sitting up every night, all night long, because I couldn't lay flat--even with the head of the bed raised. Needless to say, that took a toll on my health, ability to do my job, and disposition. I weighed 211, up from 115 when I was 29. I am 5'7".

    The first of November, I was diagnosed with a hiatal hernia, and put on Prilosec. I also joined a Curves. Between the Curves diet and the hh diet, there's a lot I can't eat, so I've been doing a lot of food research, trying new (healthy) foods, and new ways of putting them all together. Between November and February, I lost 9 lbs.

    In March, I found MFP's mobile ap on my smart phone, and started logging every bite. I wasn't intentionally cheating before, but now I know EXACTLY how much--and what--I need to eat. I've lost another 9 pounds in two months, which for me is GREAT!

    My goal is 150, 43 pounds away. At this rate, I'll get there by Christmas.

    Meanwhile, the tracker is fun, useful, and easy--I use the mobile ap, and rarely come on here. I love being able to scan a bar code and have all my nutrition, not just calories, tracked.

    Only one thing more it should track, hours of sleep. Then I would be truly happy!
  • ongmerritt
    i started 4 weeks ago. lost 10 lbs so far. i run 3 miles a day, 6 days a week. only 5 more lbs to my goal weight. i log in everything i eat and drink, even if it's almost nothing. (ex. 1 starburst, 1 single chip, 1/2 a cookie, etc....) if you're vigil about what you do and log in everything that you eat and exercise, you will def. meet your goal weight. good luck!