Hello, New here!

Ok, thought I would introduce myself. I am a stay at home 41 year old mother of two wonderful special needs daughters. I also care for 5 other children. I had gastric bypass 4 years ago and my pre-surgery weight was 375 pounds. I got down to 247 pounds. Since my lowest weight, I have krept back to 285 pounds.
I have several medical conditions (including fibromyalgia and PCOS) and it is very important that I lose this weight. I don't expect to be skinny, just want to be healthy. Right now I have been battling severe plantar fasciitis in my left foot and this has greatly limited what I am able to do as far as exercise. I have a recumbant bike that I love.
I can use all the encouragement I can get, this has been a life long struggle for me. I would especially like to hear from others who have had weight loss surgery. I would love to know that I'm not the only one who has gained after losing so much from surgery.


  • BballDano42
    you dont have to exercise at all... put in that you have a sedentary lifestyle and eat exactly what it tells you calorie wise... dont go over at ALL ever until you have lost atleast 50... i did.. took about 3 months.