Need to get more protein but dietary restrictions

I need some help in figuring out how to get more protein in my diet. I'm normally over the mfp guideline but I'm trying to get to 1g per pound of my body weight...i'm currently 125ish.

My problem is that I am allergic to dairy products and I can't have most high protein powders are out for me. I drink a vega whole food optimizer shake for breakfast....usually 1 scoop. I eat a lot of lean turkey and chicken....this week I switched it up and added pork.

my morning and aft snack is a piece of fruit and some almonds. I'm wondering if I need to add more protein to my snacks? I love fruit though so the thought of eating a hunk of meat for my snack doesn't appeal to me that much.

But i'm trying to not lose a lot of my muscle while i'm losing the last few pounds of fat. I feel like even though my weight is going down, my fat looks like it is the same amount. I'm wondering if it's because i'm not getting enough protein?

Anyhoo, my diary is open. I'd love to hear some suggestions on what I can add to my diet that would increase my protein!


  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    Fish and chicken are great low-calorie high-protein selections, and beans and nuts of all kinds are also great for protein. That having been said, odds are good that the problem is not that you are losing muscle (although without knowing what your circuit training involves that's impossible to guess), but that perhaps you've underestimated your starting fat content and how much you may need to shed to achieve the look you are going for. Have you been keeping track of measurements?
  • claire_b79
    claire_b79 Posts: 101 Member
    Yes I have been measuring every 2 weeks. I am definitely losing inches. Not everywhere but i've lost 1.5 on my waist and 1.5 on my thighs and 1 on my hips/butt. My arms are still the same even though I am lifting pretty heavy.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,239 Member
    They do make egg protein powder, and of course there are always egg whites.
  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    I can't eat soy either (unless it's processed, and even then I'm apprehensive due to a couple of allergic reactions).

    Do you like fish? Some of the mild fish is nice, especially grilled or sauteed in 1TBSP of olive oil. Tonight, I had shrimp cocktail (basically, 6 large shrimp steamed and served with 2TBSP ketchup & .25 TBSP horseradish (sauce)) for 152 calories and 23 grams of protein.

    4 oz of baked tilapia is 100 calories and 20 grams of protein (as low as it is in calories you could double the portion size and have 40 grams of protein in one meal - if you could eat that much!)

    4 oz of grilled salmon is 232 calories and 24 grams of protein.

    If you can bump up your protein at dinner, then you won't need to eat a "chunk of meat" during your snack. LOL!
  • claire_b79
    claire_b79 Posts: 101 Member
    I love fish! I usually have it on the weekends if I do eat it though so I can buy it fresh. I didn't realize tilapia is that low in calories and high in protein...good to know!

    How much protein per meal is a good amount? i've heard over a certain amount and your body can't process it properly.
  • brendalyne
    brendalyne Posts: 497
    Many days my lunch consists of romaine lettuce and/or spinach with tuna and a little dressing (I like italian), and any other things you have on hand to add - feta cheese, tomatoes, cucumbers, etc. So, if you like tuna, it's an idea that's easy to make and provides good protein.