Trying to get my focus back

blynnblair Posts: 274 Member
edited September 26 in Health and Weight Loss
I have lost just around 80 pounds, have been maintaining it. I want to lose another 20 or so pounds and am having a heck of a time getting back on track. I've been super stressed and to deal with it I've been eating..ugh it's a never ending battle that's getting old! :( Hopefully with more support i can do this!!


  • blueeyedtraveler
    blueeyedtraveler Posts: 209 Member
    Sweetie, you need to find something else to do instead of stress eating - go for a walk, read a book, take a bath (light some candles & you should be stress free), find a great exercise class (mine is Zumba 4 times a week).

    We're all here to help...don't fret, you can do it; you know that, cause you've done it before :)
  • brettjcohen
    brettjcohen Posts: 30 Member
    I was in the same boat. I went from 250 to 180 and then sorta lost focus. I maintained and really only gained maybe 5 pounds from Thanksgiving through about a month ago. I still have 20 to lose but just couldn't get/maintain focus. In the end I just had to be happy that I had lost so much and maintained it and rode out the time when I just had too much going on to focus.
    Now with the change in weather and what not I've managed to set a new goal (run a 5K) and get myself back on track. Having that goal for myself has re-energised my focus on eating right and exercising.
    So what I meant by that ramble is as long as you can ride out the stressful times and not gain a bunch of weight back then you can restart your quest when you feel up to it again.
    Good luck! I know how hard it is :)
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    What did you learn about YOU during the time you lost the 80 lbs. What did you learn during the time You Maintained (because that is sooo important also) That's what Healthy Living is all about...Learn and Change, it's a Process. Living a Healthy Lifestyle is Forever; taking a break from Healthy is WHAT...? Yeah, right.

    Do South Beach Phase 1 or Atkins Induction for a week or 2. This will stop cravings and get your sense of discipline, focus and commitment back.
  • blynnblair
    blynnblair Posts: 274 Member
    Thank you all for the support! I do Zumba and work out but have been slacking as of late. It's the worst when I stress or am bored..I feel like a garbage disposal at those times lol. When I was really on track I kept a food diary religiously, ate foods that were more in season and walked a ton outside. I've actually been thinking about going low carb or at least lower carb to get i little jump start. I like competition as well so setting a new goal for myself or even competing with others would help me stay on track. I just gotta get back in the swing of things and do this!
  • LynnBirchfield
    LynnBirchfield Posts: 581 Member
    First off -- congratulations on losing 80 pounds. That is absolutely awesome. Not that I think you will, but don't give up on yourself. You can do this.
  • You are so inspirational!!! You can do this... Hang in there girl. You will get those last pounds off.
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