


  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    Isn't it interesting how everyone's body is so different?! I LOVE depo - no weight gain, it's evened out my mood swings and breast soreness, and I LOVE not having to deal with a period!!

    as far as the last part ooooohhhh yeeeeaaaahhhh baaaabbbbyyyy
  • boobear00
    boobear00 Posts: 53 Member

    I will be the first to tell you I couldn't say enough good things about the shot. I LOVED not having TOM and all the junk that came with it. I liked it so much I was on it for 11 years. The only warning that my doctor ever gave me was to make sure to take Calcium because osteoporosis can be a side effect.

    My life can be hectic. I work 12 hour days in a high stress job. I spent 6+ years taking care of my grandmother with Alzheimers, I have a son, I planned a wedding. Who wouldn't be tired right? I got so used to being tired, grumpy, moody, no sex drive....the symptoms went on and on. They came on so gradually I just blamed all the things I had going on. Over the last 6 months I felt like things got worse, but maybe I was just tired of being tired. I went to not one doctor but several, all had different answers. Everything from your test results show there isn't anything wrong with you so sorry to anti-depressants and sleeping pills to all working moms feel this way suck it up and deal with it. I finally found a naturalpathic doctor in another town. I was amazed at what she found and was able to tell me.

    What effects did all those years on the shot have? My hormones were essentially non functioning. Your hormone levels work based on your monthly cycle. If you don't have one they don't work right. I had almost zero estrogen production happening. She compared it to a type of self induced menopause. Estrogen also helps with your sex drive, weight, etc. She confirmed that depo has been known to cause weight gain. She said ALL birth control takes away vitamins from your body, specifically B vitamins. I had never been one to take vitamins, I took my calicium but never a multi vitamin or the like. My vitamin levels were in the toliet. Other doctors had checked my thyroid and it was fine and therefore wrote my lack of weight loss on me not being truthful about what I was eating. What they didn't look at was the correlation between my hormone levels, vitamin levels, sugar levels (which was only slightly elevated) and my good and bad cholesterol. What had happened was the combination of what I had created in my body mimicked a metabolic disorder. She told me I could have worked out 10x a week and eaten perfectly and I wouldn't have seen a loss because of what my body thought was happening inside. All because of the shot.

    My doctor told me she doesn't want me on hormonal birth control ever again. I am on a ridiculous number of vitamins now. BUT the transformation is amazing. My doctors appointment was 3 days before I was scheduled for my shot. I cancelled my appointment. 4 days after I started taking my vitamins I woke up feeling like a different person. Luckily my doctor warned me about this because I felt like I was on some sort of drug.....I felt that good. I had gotten so used to feeling bad I didn't remember how normal and healthy felt. Since that time I have had a crazy amount of energy. I stopped drinking soda without trying. I have very little cravings for sugar and snack foods. I get up every day ready to take on whatever it throws at me. I used to have to nap every day, sometimes several times a day because I was so tired, that's gone. I am sleeping all night. My mood has done almost a 360. I still have no sex drive but I've only been doing this 2 weeks now. My doctor says it may take a year or more for my hormones to regulate. I was shocked at the damage that I was doing to the inside of my body without knowing it.

    In closing I hope each of you will research your birth control options. Make sure your informed. Doctors don't tell you everything you need to know. Listen to your body and take your vitamins!!
  • cc_campbell81
    I too have had issues with depo. I was on the patch and noticed my sex drive had gotten really low over the last few years. I was told the same story of it's normal, you're married, a mom, you work etc. I went off of birth control for a few months and felt better. My drive started to come back. Then I talked to my doc about alternate options. She suggested depo. The doc warned me of increased appetite on the shot. I got in in February and have gained 10 lbs. The food cravings are worse than when I was pregnant! I try to convince myself I am not hungry that it's the shot but it's like I can't stop eating. For almost a year I hadn't gained weight before going on this shot. This is a medication that isn't conducive to weight loss in my opinion.
  • lovinmamaxo
    lovinmamaxo Posts: 368 Member
    YES YES YES!! I gained over 15 lbs since November being on the shot.. and now im having spotting for 2+ weeks now. I got my 1st shot in Nov and my 2nd in Feb i don't plan on going back in May lets just put it that way.. it makes me pig out and crave sweets.