Junk food triggers very obvious..

......but yesterday it really hit home.

I had a very bad junk eating session yesterday and felt totally gutted with myself as i was doing so well.
Then it hit me BOREDOM and FREEDOM. My other half took the kids round his mums so i had a couple of hours to myself. So as i had the kids home on school hols i thought for once i'd sit and catch up on some tv shows etc. Then i got a bit comfy and thought i'd just have a kit kat its only 107 cals then after that it turned into oh ill just have some crisps then it spiralled out of control.

I never eat too much junk when people are around and like to teach my kids if you need a snack grab something healthy but when i get that hint of a bit of free time when nobody is around i tend to pig out a bit (i'm not talking about major binging just enough to make myself feel bad).

Next free time i have i think i will work out instead lol


  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    you need to keep it out of your house period. i know when my better half brings in junk i tend to give in an eat it. she has gotten better about the junk, and brings in stuff only she likes and stuff i wont eat. on occasion i do allow myself a few cookies..just as long as i stay in my calorie limit. ban the foods from your home.

    if you find yourself eating from boredom, and its usually at home..take a drive..go out and take a walk..get yourself away from the food. go to the store and window shop. anything to keep your body and mind busy. try brining healthier snacks into your house too..and reach for those instead. drink tons of water..it'll fill you up and make you less hungry. hence eat less
  • Angel1066
    Angel1066 Posts: 816 Member
    Did that last night too...was so hungry, just weighed myself this morning ......ughhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I need to get back on track pronto or i won't meet my goal.
  • Kirsty_UK
    Kirsty_UK Posts: 964 Member
    Don't beat yourself up over it. You've obviously started learning what your triggers are which is a step towards resisting the temptation.

    When my hubby wants crisps etc and asks me to get some from the shop, I make sure to pick flavours he likes, but I dont!
  • xFrancescax
    Boredom is my big challenge to overcome. I can stuff so much....not quite bingeing but the same, enough to make me feel bad. Plus my bf will happily buy chocolates etc and then leave me alone in the house with them....it's not good....they really do talk to me. I'm getting better and being more controlled but its not easy. Also I recently walked into a supermarket with an in-house bakery and it smelt of jam doughnuts....I don't even really like them but OH the smell was good.....got one... but then managed to resist and put it back!!!
  • Terri73
    Terri73 Posts: 238
    Boredom is my big challenge to overcome. I can stuff so much....not quite bingeing but the same, enough to make me feel bad. Plus my bf will happily buy chocolates etc and then leave me alone in the house with them....it's not good....they really do talk to me. I'm getting better and being more controlled but its not easy. Also I recently walked into a supermarket with an in-house bakery and it smelt of jam doughnuts....I don't even really like them but OH the smell was good.....got one... but then managed to resist and put it back!!!

    I can resist supermarkets now but it was hard lol