water retension

So, I've been really good for the past week or so, exercising every day - 1h walking, 30 min running and insanity every day, and eating really well. I weighed myself this morning and I put on 2lbs! But, my muscles are REALLY sore, and I heard someone say that sore muscles retain water? so, is it water weight?


  • kalamitykate83
    kalamitykate83 Posts: 227 Member
    I've also gained 2lbs this week but I've been to the gym every day, cardio and weights and this is what people have told me, that it could be water retention. My muscles are like jelly so I know it's working, but it's so frustrating seeing the scales like that isn't it!! I'm going to try a week of pure cardio, no weights this week and see if that makes a difference!
  • Vegasboricua702
    Your bodies are retaining water because your most likley not consuming enough water. My suggestion to you is to carry around a 2 liter bottle of water with you everywhere you go and sip on it through out the day. If your urine isn't a really pale yellow or clear then your not hydrating enough.

    On another note. I would not wieght my self on a daily basis. Depending on your body type and metabolism, your body will fluctuate 3-5 pounds within a 24 hour period. I suggest picking 1 day of the week and weighing your self once a week on that day at the same time ( perferably when you wake up )

    If you have any more question about water retention please feel free to shoot me a message :)
  • kalamitykate83
    kalamitykate83 Posts: 227 Member
    Your bodies are retaining water because your most likley not consuming enough water. My suggestion to you is to carry around a 2 liter bottle of water with you everywhere you go and sip on it through out the day. If your urine isn't a really pale yellow or clear then your not hydrating enough.

    On another note. I would not wieght my self on a daily basis. Depending on your body type and metabolism, your body will fluctuate 3-5 pounds within a 24 hour period. I suggest picking 1 day of the week and weighing your self once a week on that day at the same time ( perferably when you wake up )

    If you have any more question about water retention please feel free to shoot me a message :)

    I'm drinking about 2/3 litres of water a day so it can't be that!!! But I do agree on the weighing thing, I'm hiding my scales for the next week until Friday morning!!