Cycling for Weight Loss-Any tips?

Nottm1984 Posts: 55 Member
edited September 26 in Fitness and Exercise
Hi, I'm currently 196lbs wanting to get to 140lbs, my partner has just brought me a bicycle so we can start exercising together. Do you think this will help with my weight loss-has any one else started cycling to help get fit? I'm at a low ebb with my confidence, I weigh a lot more than I thought I did and am determined to do something about it.


  • Totally will help~I have joint issue when I do any other exercise than walking or bicycling. The great part of the bicycle is you can do a really hard workout - or not! It will tone your legs for sure....that can be seen in just 2 weeks usually if you do it every day. (longer if you don't bike regularly.) I have a more successful week and I feel better when I get on my bike. Right now I am not committed to exercising though, so good luck to you on that!
  • hartsmart
    hartsmart Posts: 141 Member
    I think cycling is a great way to lose weight!! keep in mind, im not a cyclist, but i have a bike and have trained for a 64 mile 'bike tour' (not a race, they said, though there were winners :) was for charity)...and i only made it 32 miles. but i had to make it to the end at a certain time to catch a boat back to the starting point, which meant i had to be able to keep up a 10 mph rate. I did it by training on an indoor trainer (basically its a frame that holds up my bake tire to turn my bike into a stationery bike) with a video based on a Lance Armstrong workout. it was intense. point (yes, i have one) is that cycling is a fun way to get your heartrate up. i think it's similar to walking, but more fun, and you can go much further in the same amount of time...more exploring. I would just recommend not forgetting that you don't really work your upper body when riding, so be sure to add in some other exercises to target your upper body.
    so...sorry, no tips, but you should have fun with it!
    oh, is it a street bike? mountain bike? cruiser? we ride mountain bikes, but haven't braved any backroad riding yet. i just bought an old 'cruiser' for beach rides with my friends. those are a real workout...just one gear makes you really have to work!!
    HAVE FUN!!
  • pippadog
    pippadog Posts: 1
    Im getting back on the bike this weekend after over a year of it being in the back of the shed and it definately helps with fitness and butrning those all important cals , but you could also try swimming it uses all your core muscles with no impact problems have lost 20 lbs and only exercise has been swimming so far. Sod what people think i look like when i walk in the pool the Japanese whaler hasnt turned up yet so must be doing something right.
  • peacehawk
    peacehawk Posts: 421 Member
    As the weather turns warmer and not so muddy in Michigan, I'm hoping to dust off my bike again. My problem here is that I live in a city built on building cars. We have few sidewalks and it seems like people in cars actually try to mow down bicyclers! It's a bit scary. My partner and I do have a stationary bike, but it has spent much of the winter in the garage due to redecorating the room it belongs in. Now that I think about it, it has been hidden away since November. The room is almost done, so I'll probably dig it out the same time I dig out my street bike. (P.s. my dad rode his bicycle across the US when he was aged 65. Maybe I'll be able to ride more than a few miles by then!0:laugh:
  • petithamu
    petithamu Posts: 582 Member

    My boyfriend cycles to work everyday and it's only a 20 - 30 minute journey (to and from) and he kept up with it all summer and lost some good weights and really toned up!

    I take spin classes in the gym and I think it is the best form of workout because it's a bit hard to injure yourself (I have a knee problem) and you burn some crazy calories when you cycle!

    Good luck!
  • Bearface115
    Bearface115 Posts: 574 Member
    i wanna cycle too becuase i know its very good for weight loss and i need to build up my endurance with tht again! i have known people who have taken the Spin class and/or cycling class and lost SOOOOOOOOOO much weight from JUST that! and their legs.... omg their legs look FANTASTIC, i need Sexy scupted legs, it even gets your inner thighs! SOO Since im engaged i have been on a 2 month challege to take an exercise class once a day and TRY to include spinning class if i have the time! So my Shedding to the Wedding is on, and 2 months till i graduate from massage therapy school! so i need to look my BESTTTTTTTT! :heart:
  • petithamu
    petithamu Posts: 582 Member
    i wanna cycle too becuase i know its very good for weight loss and i need to build up my endurance with tht again! i have known people who have taken the Spin class and/or cycling class and lost SOOOOOOOOOO much weight from JUST that! and their legs.... omg their legs look FANTASTIC, i need Sexy scupted legs, it even gets your inner thighs! SOO Since im engaged i have been on a 2 month challege to take an exercise class once a day and TRY to include spinning class if i have the time! So my Shedding to the Wedding is on, and 2 months till i graduate from massage therapy school! so i need to look my BESTTTTTTTT! :heart:

    I cannot recommend spinning enough. I was really scared of it when I tried it the first time, well, really the second time I tried it many years ago with a friend on a whim...and we both fell off the bike...cuz we're that stupid...haha. Anyway, years later bring us to now...I tried it again because I can' run due to my knee and I know I needed a good cardio. First time, kicked my *kitten* but it was so invigorating. Because the whole class is so into it and when you get a good instructor and really pumping music, you just get going! It's really REALLY toned up my legs...I always hated my calves and I can't believe it I actually inches in my calves and they look really good with heels!

    Become a spinner! You'll love it!!!
  • darrenham
    darrenham Posts: 110 Member
    Yes of course it will. Get on it and go for a ride.
  • Lanfear
    Lanfear Posts: 524
    Um, just a couple of things. MFP hugely overestimates the calories you will burn when cycling - I was horrified to discover that where I'd been logging 170+ cals for a 15 minute ride, my Polar FT4 said it was less than 90. Also, cycling will only help you lose weight if you maintain the whole calories in = less than calories out thing :smile: When I started cycling I was starving all the time, and so because I ate a bit more, I didn't see results. Haha!!

    I cycle to/from work every day and have routes that range from 2 miles to 6 miles, depending on weather and light :smile: I have just bought my second bike so do recommend it - it's great when you look at your computer thing and you're struggling along at 8 mph - and soon you're doing the same bit at 16 mph! :happy:
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