No pity just support please

The thing is I was a skinny kid ,and my step mom (crazy story for only a therapist .) WAs constantly dieting herself and feeding me as much as a full grown MAN would eat... She was always shoving desserts at me and telling me I cudn't work out and was too skinny.
I was punished physically for not finshing my food within a certain time allotted.
Little did she know or my Father that I was diabetic and any sugar made me so drunk almost I cud pass out... All I remember are the salty tears down my face while I stared at the clock on the stove and tried to eat long after everyone else had finished. And then of couse was the getting the belt from the hook and waiting Becuz I failed at eating....
Wonder why I had an Eating Disorder for 25 years?


  • monica208
    monica208 Posts: 229
    wow sorry that happened to you.... maybe you should talk to someone professionally about this
  • jade3599
    jade3599 Posts: 22
    of course I have...for over 10 years...
    I just want to be healthy.. emotionally and physically
  • caitlinsmum
    caitlinsmum Posts: 55 Member
    I don't have any advice, but just want to wish you the best of luck on your journey to health!
  • savvynurse
    savvynurse Posts: 292
    I cam from the "clean your plate" family. Feel for you my dear. But trust me... its ok NOT to finish. Even though I have problems throwing food away... I am FINALLY learning to cook JUST enough.
  • shaheerahs
    shaheerahs Posts: 79 Member
    That's awful, I don't doubt that in your situation most people would develop an eating disorder. The best you can do is learn from your past but try not to let it control you any longer.

    Have you tried a support group for people with similar eating disorders, sometimes it helps to have someone that is going or has gone through the same thing to talk to.
  • hartsmart
    hartsmart Posts: 141 Member
    thats a very sad story. it is hard to grow up with things like that over our heads...forever in our memories.
    i'll share my story, though, the physical abuse was not laid on me.
    always chubby/fat/plump with a skinny brother. i always did my schoolwork, nose in books all the time. never got in trouble for anything. the opposite of my brother, who had a terribly violent relationship with our father...merely verbal when we were growing up, but becoming physical after he moved out, and then back. (that whole story is not for now, though!)
    i believe my parents did not know how to show 'love' father came from a 100% polish immigrant family, centered around high tempers and constant conflict (real or imagined). My mother was the oldest of 6, her baby sister-just 4 years older than me- was my life-long best friend. (another opposite: she was tall, thin, pretty...i was short, fat, and well...also pretty:) ) but we were poor. often on food stamps and sometimes unable to pay to have a phone in the house. none of this matter to me or really ever bothered me. I had books, dolls, and food...just really bad food.
    my father, who turned out to be diabetic...we found out when we had to rush him to the hospital during christmas when i was about 10 or so...always had soda (pop, in the mid-west! we grew up in michigan), and ice cream. which we were not allowed to touch. which made it so very tempting. we were never taught portion control or healthy eating habits. to this day, i hate fruit b/c it wasn't something i ate growing up!
    my mother always tried new fad diets. one year she would be thin...the next year, chunky...the next year, too thin...always changing. but never once helping me to figure out what i should be eating. though, i do remember her telling me once to drink vinegar before every meal. and another time we were on a rice diet together. this was all before 8th grade.
    one day my father told me he'd give me $200 for new clothes if i would lose some weight. he bought me a bike once, too.
    but there was never any real support or guidence.
    no, there wasn't any abuse, but it is frustrating to me to think of PARENTS. being a parent is more than having a child. parents need to educate, support, love, and help their children. especially these days!
    i'm sorry you had to go through what you did, but keep in mind that you are an adult now and you don't have to hold onto that old stuff. you can start over and take care of yourself now. it's in your hands and now you are surrounded by people who CAN and WILL help...not judge.
    good luck! (hope you're having fun in hawaii!!)
  • Bearface115
    Bearface115 Posts: 574 Member
    I cam from the "clean your plate" family. Feel for you my dear. But trust me... its ok NOT to finish. Even though I have problems throwing food away... I am FINALLY learning to cook JUST enough.

    I came from a clean your plate family too and i felt obligated to EAT EVERYTHING i had ON my plate. No i see it as if i take a Potrion (even if its a HEAPING portion, i have to eat it and finish it, and i cant help but take big portions. I more better mindset now in a way, but now wonder i gained my weight. also.
  • hartsmart
    hartsmart Posts: 141 Member
    sorry that was so long winded...hope i didn't overstep any boundries there...?
  • greatvic
    greatvic Posts: 13
    Sorry to hear you went through something crazy like that. I could say the normal of "these things only make you stronger" and it is probably true but above that I commend you for seeking help and striving to overcome this physically and emotionally. The best thing you can do is recognize it happened, figure out how to live with it and know that you are beautiful, strong and inspiring. You can do this!!!