6 Month Results

Results after six months of strength training on a caloric deficit, with no cardio. I started out on a 5x5 program and just recently switched to 3x5 because the weights were too heavy to keep progressing on 5x5; same program, just lowered the volume. Will be dropping down to 1x5 within the next couple of months before switching to an intermediate program. I workout from 45 min to 1.5 hours three times per week (time gets longer as the weights gets heavier.) No switching programs every month, no "muscle confusion" tactics, just consistency.

Body Stats:
Body Weight = 246lbs - 225lbs (net loss of 21lbs)
BF % = 35% - 27% (lost 8% body fat)
Fat Mass = 87lbs - 60lbs (lost27lbs of fat)
Fat-free Mass = 159lbs - 165lbs (gained 6lbs of muscle)
Waist = 44in – 40in (lost 4in off waistline)

Lift Stats:
Squat = 185lbs - 340lbs
Bench = 95lbs - 200lbs
Deadlift = 135lbs - 315lbs
Press = 65lbs - 125lbs
Row = 65lbs - 140lbs


  • kimeister
    kimeister Posts: 212
    Congrats!! I'm seriously impressed with that squat stat. You rock!
  • Vegasboricua702
    Awesome progress, but no cardio? May I ask why? How often do you lift? I lift M-W-F, then Tues & Thurs I run 30 minutes on the treadmill or do 15min treadmill and 15min stair master. A quick 5-10min low intensity run on a treadmill before you lift is great for warming up. I believe you will have way better results if you add some cardio into your routine.

    I've been lifting M-W-F and running 30minutes on Tues & Thurs. I 've lost 13 pounds in 4 weeks!
  • End6ame
    End6ame Posts: 903
    Awesome progress, but no cardio? May I ask why? How often do you lift? I life M-W-F, then Tues & Thurs I run 30 minutes on the treadmill or do 15min treadmill and 15min stair master. A quick 5-10min low intensity run on a treadmill before you lift is great for warming up. I believe you will have way better results if you add some cardio into your routine.

    I've been lifting M-W-F and running 30minutes on Tues & Thurs. I 've lost 13 pounds in 4 weeks!

    I just dislike cardio. I warm up with light weight sets and build up to my work weight. My schedule is M/W/F.

    "Way better results", WTH?... I added 155lbs to my squat in six months!

    I should say I dislike steady state cardio, I don't mind HIIT, it is just a lot to handle after a heavy weight session.
  • kevanos
    kevanos Posts: 304 Member
    wow, I'm very impressed. i did not realize you could get that much stronger in only 6 months. Bench form 95 to 200, awesome!

    I`ve been doing cardio and strenght with the obvective lose weight. I stopped losing for about 3 weeks at one point and was doing stenght 4 times a week. I wasn`t losing anymore but my body really changed. Now that I have gotten through my plateau I'm doing more cardio and a bit less strenght becasue I want to see more weight loss. Your results have inspired me to do more strenght though.

    Can you give us a quick summary of how often you train and how you progressed so quicly.
  • End6ame
    End6ame Posts: 903
    wow, I'm very impressed. i did not realize you could get that much stronger in only 6 months. Bench form 95 to 200, awesome!

    I`ve been doing cardio and strenght with the obvective lose weight. I stopped losing for about 3 weeks at one point and was doing stenght 4 times a week. I wasn`t losing anymore but my body really changed. Now that I have gotten through my plateau I'm doing more cardio and a bit less strenght becasue I want to see more weight loss. Your results have inspired me to do more strenght though.

    Can you give us a quick summary of how often you train and how you progressed so quicly.


    I do StrongLifts 5x5 program (www.stronglifts.com), it breaks down as follows:

    - Workout A = Squat, Bench, Row
    - Workout B = Squat, Press, Deadlift
    - Alternate between A and B every other day (i.e. Mon=A, Wed=B, Fri=A, Mon=B, etc…)
    - Start with just the bar, perform 5 sets of 5 reps, if you complete 5x5 add 5lbs (2x2.5lb plates) the next time you perform the lift
  • Vegasboricua702
    Awesome progress, but no cardio? May I ask why? How often do you lift? I life M-W-F, then Tues & Thurs I run 30 minutes on the treadmill or do 15min treadmill and 15min stair master. A quick 5-10min low intensity run on a treadmill before you lift is great for warming up. I believe you will have way better results if you add some cardio into your routine.

    I've been lifting M-W-F and running 30minutes on Tues & Thurs. I 've lost 13 pounds in 4 weeks!

    I just dislike cardio. I warm up with light weight sets and build up to my work weight. My schedule is M/W/F.

    "Way better results", WTH?... I added 155lbs to my squat in six months!

    I should say I dislike steady state cardio, I don't mind HIIT, it is just a lot to handle after a heavy weight session.

    Hit should not be done on lifting days. It should be done on off days. I dont like cardio, but its a must. Especially if you want to lean out. Not to mention the endless health benifets to cardio.
  • End6ame
    End6ame Posts: 903
    Hit should not be done on lifting days. It should be done on off days. I dont like cardio, but its a must. Especially if you want to lean out. Not to mention the endless health benifets to cardio.

    I respectfully disagree. Put a 300lb barbell on your back and you will improve your cardiovascular fitness and lung capacity. In another 6 months we'll compare.

    Read my signature :-)
  • Vegasboricua702
    Hit should not be done on lifting days. It should be done on off days. I dont like cardio, but its a must. Especially if you want to lean out. Not to mention the endless health benifets to cardio.

    I respectfully disagree. Put a 300lb barbell on your back and you will improve your cardiovascular fitness and lung capacity. In another 6 months we'll compare.

    Read my signature :-)

    You're putting words in my mouth now lol. I never said dont lift or weights are bad. I squat and bench just like the rest of em. Yes weights improve your cardio slightly. In my 5 years of being in the military I've ran 1.5 Miles in 10 minutes on my PT test. Out running the big guys who are muscular and built, lifting only weights with little to no cardio. I like to stay lean and cut, but hey to each its own. Lift all the wieghts you want, just dont knock down good ol running. There are zero disadvantages to it. If you want to talk numbers and compare I would love to see you run 1.5 miles in under 12 minutes off of lifting weights alone.
  • End6ame
    End6ame Posts: 903
    If you want to talk numbers and compare I would love to see you run 1.5 miles in under 12 minutes off of lifting weights alone.

    Challenge accepted! I guess it will have to be based upon the honors system, but in 6 months, with no other running training, I’ll do it.

    And you sir, need to squat (full squat, top of thigh at or below parallel) 1.5x your body weight by then :-)
  • tross0924
    tross0924 Posts: 909 Member
    Lift Stats:
    Squat = 185lbs - 340lbs
    Bench = 95lbs - 200lbs
    Deadlift = 135lbs - 315lbs
    Press = 65lbs - 125lbs
    Row = 65lbs - 140lbs

    Are these one rep maxes? Either way nice work!
  • End6ame
    End6ame Posts: 903
    Lift Stats:
    Squat = 185lbs - 340lbs
    Bench = 95lbs - 200lbs
    Deadlift = 135lbs - 315lbs
    Press = 65lbs - 125lbs
    Row = 65lbs - 140lbs

    Are these one rep maxes? Either way nice work!

  • mmellor
    mmellor Posts: 146
    Amazing job!

    And...I love your signature quote!!!:happy:
  • bksmith83
    bksmith83 Posts: 6 Member
    How did you measure the fat loss versus the muscle gain? I have started the same program and I have noticed that I am more solid but I just want to see how to do it.
    Also congrats on the squats that is a huge weight. I am 6'5", 242 and I am having a hard time getting past 180lbs on the squats. I am not sure if it is a mental block though
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    LOVE this thread :)

    With influences from Stronglifts and Mark Rippetoe you can't really go wrong.

    Solid lifts and great FAT loss not weight loss :)
  • End6ame
    End6ame Posts: 903
    How did you measure the fat loss versus the muscle gain? I have started the same program and I have noticed that I am more solid but I just want to see how to do it.
    Also congrats on the squats that is a huge weight. I am 6'5", 242 and I am having a hard time getting past 180lbs on the squats. I am not sure if it is a mental block though

    Your mental state can be a huge part of it. Just go in confident, follow the program, and be patient. A good way to get passed the fear of the heavy weights is to practice bailing out and letting the safety arms catch it (use light weight). This way when you feel a little intimidated by the weight, you know the worst case scenario.

    I have a spreadsheet t that I created that calculates everything for me, you are welcome to a copy. It is in my Google Docs share (you will need an account) in the Misc. folder, the title is Fitness Tracker.

  • rebeccajoy
    WOW!!! I can't wait to see the results of this challenge!!! ;-) That will be interesting!
    Amazing work, Mr. vegasboricua702, at running 1.5 miles in 10 minutes! That is amazing!

  • michelle4271
    michelle4271 Posts: 194 Member
    and I am having a hard time getting past 180lbs on the squats. I am not sure if it is a mental block though

    have you tried max out sets?

    do one set for warm up,,,lighter than the 180 if thats the max you can do, then load the bar with more than that and do as many as you can, if you cant get the full reps out, when you reach failure then take off that additional weight and complete the set to failure again with the 180.

    each time you get to legs day, continue doing this, only your burn out set will start to increase....

    dont think about the weight, focus on the exercise instead,,,,and please make sure you have someone with a spot
  • End6ame
    End6ame Posts: 903
    and I am having a hard time getting past 180lbs on the squats. I am not sure if it is a mental block though

    have you tried max out sets?

    do one set for warm up,,,lighter than the 180 if thats the max you can do, then load the bar with more than that and do as many as you can, if you cant get the full reps out, when you reach failure then take off that additional weight and complete the set to failure again with the 180.

    each time you get to legs day, continue doing this, only your burn out set will start to increase....

    dont think about the weight, focus on the exercise instead,,,,and please make sure you have someone with a spot

    StrongLifts is not a "to failure" program, it is a 5x5 program. You try a weight three times, if you still can't do it, you deload 10% and work back up in 5lb increments. There is also no "legs day" everyday is full body.
  • sarabig2fit
    sarabig2fit Posts: 274 Member
    great results so far! awesome job!
  • bksmith83
    bksmith83 Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks for the spread sheet! I deloaded and worked on my flexibility and my form, this should help. I am aiming to hit 200lbs early next month. I really want to hit that goal and then push forward to a body weight squat
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