A good scale?

I have a pretty basic scale right now and it flip flops every day. It's driving me crazy. I weigh myself at the same time every day. It will differ about 1-5lbs on any given day. So I ask you my fellow MFP friends, what is an accurate scale I can buy and use??

Misty :tongue:


  • kumarprabhat
    I have the same worry...my scale shows different results everytime I weigh myself...even within seconds. How does one find a good scale (preferably in metric system).

  • krishildy
    krishildy Posts: 23 Member
    Excellent question! I look forward to hearing what others have to say. For me, I have noticed that I really like the analog scales much better than the digital scales. They just seem to be more consistent and accurate. Also, I try to make sure I am similiarly dressed every time I get on the scale. Also, pick ONE scale, and use that same scale all the time for your weigh-ins.

    Best of luck on your journey!
  • myboysmomx2
    myboysmomx2 Posts: 505 Member
    Yes...I'd love to know what other MFP users have also. Any recommendations for scales that accurately weigh muscle, fat, water, bone, etc.?
  • pwprice59
    pwprice59 Posts: 76 Member
    I have this one: HealthoMeter Model BFM884. It does %body fat, bone weight, BMI, % water content, and has a memory for 4 users.


    Cost me $30 at walmart.com, free shipping to my house.
  • fatluxk
    fatluxk Posts: 2
    Great question!!!!! I also have the same issue with the different numbers moments after getting off and getting back on the scale. This morning was a crushing blow to my ego when the scale gave a 2lb. loss and took it back when I stepped on it again to ensure what I saw was correct. It was a 1lb more than what I had originally seen, I tried again after preparing for my morning and it was some ounces higher. And I always weigh myself nude and around the same time each morning to prevent any discrepancies. YES, please tell me also I good scale to use for weighing myself, as well?
  • ProudMomoftwo
    I was told by my doctor to make sure the scale is NOT on carpet or anything but a flat, hard surface for an accurate reading.

    Hope that helps someone
  • BreakingUpWithObesity2013
    I use the wii fit balance board..its dead on and fun! :)
  • kumarprabhat
    So far...I have tried to eliminate all external factors:
    1. Do it mostly at same time of day...just after my morning b/fast and bath.
    2. On the hard surface...the tiles cemented floor of my room
    3. Wearing exactly the same set of clothes...nothing :tongue: - just after my bath...

    Still same issue...step up - one wt. step down and step up again after 30 sec - different wt.

    So, for now I have stopped looking at it daily...but the problem remains - what should I rely on ?

  • missbrandyp
    missbrandyp Posts: 34 Member
    I got sick of the sway in my scale at home so I do all my weigh ins on the freight scale at work. It's mean to weigh pallets and dead accurate!
  • wriglucy
    wriglucy Posts: 1,064 Member
    I would just use any scale that has a digital reading. The scales that measure body fat, etc...are not accurate in terms of body fat % and all. If you get a scale that has a digital reading, it may not be 100% accurate, but as long as it's consistant, it can give you an idea of any gains or losses.

    And,...I just thought of this, but people can fluctuate 1-5 pounds per day. Water weight is such a pain in the butt!

    Good luck!
  • irishrose22
    irishrose22 Posts: 161 Member
    i have the biggest loser scale and i love it. check it out.